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I take back what I said.

I need this night to end now.

After eating we decided to watch a movie. Of course, being a gentleman I am, I decided to let Belle choose the movie. She decided to watch Tangled, she's a Disney freak.

'It's really hard to not love this girl', I thought to myself as I finished setting up the movie.

I walk towards the couch and sit beside Belle, I instantly regretted it when I feel her scoot closer beside me and cling onto my arm. Feeling her head on my shoulder, I feel my heart beat loudly, hoping and praying Belle won't be able to hear it.

I shake my head, ignoring the loud thumping sound in my chest and lean my head on her head, breathing in her sweet scent. I sigh in content.

"I missed this." I mumble out.

I feel her nod against my shoulder.

"I did too." She says.

I smile and kiss the top of her head and feel her snuggle against me even more.

"How was you day?" I ask.

She shrug,

"It was good, just went out with Miah." I roll my eyes, should've never asked.

"Wished you came with us though." She mumbles out, my eyes widen slightly.

I look down at her and softly chuckle at the sight of her pouting. I pinch her nose softly,

"I'm sorry Babe."

She grabs my hand and pulls it away from her nose and brings it down on my lap, but doesn't let go. She shrugs,

"It's whatever, it's your loss anyways." She says.

I looked at her amused,

"Oh? And why is that?" I joke.

She turns her gaze directly into my eyes and smirks, causing my heart to beat loudly against my chest.

"Because, you missed out on the best ice cream in the world." She says cutely.

How can someone be so sexy and so cute at the same time? I roll my eyes playfully and nudge her softly.

"Idiot." She leans her head back and laugh, squeezing my hand slightly.

"But really, why didn't you come with us?" She suddenly ask.

Trying to keep my compose, I avert my eyes from her piercing gaze and shrug,

"I don't know, I was tired from school and I wanted to go home." I nonchalantly say.

'It's not a complete lie', I thought.

Trying to lighten up the mood, I joke,

"And I rather spend the rest of my day watching McDreamy and McSteamy." She scoffs and flicked my forehead.

"My company is so much better than the McDonalds!" I gasp dramatically.

"How dare you call them the McDonalds! I'll have you know the "McDonalds" save my life." I said turning away from her, trying to hide my smile.

I hear her stiffen a laugh,

"Is that so?" She challenged.

I turn back at her, smirking.

"Yup!" I said triumphantly.

She let go of my arms and turns her body facing me. She raises her eyebrows,

"Do tell." I turn to face her too, with a serious expression and say,

"They saved my life, in my dream." We stare at each other for a moment trying to hold in our laughs.

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