Chapter 4

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Sykkuno's acc:
do i have to go back to school?
@CORPSE- yes because if you're not there, i'll be extremely sad and sad backwards is das and das not good
^@Sykkuno- CORPSE PLS
@Mark- you can tweet but not text me back?? really Sykkuno?

Mark-Sykkuno DMs:
M- Sykkuno! don't ignore me!
M- Sykkuno! please baby
M- Sykkuno, want me to pick you up?
M- wow, leaving me on read
M- Sykkuno stop playing, Sy!
S- don't call me Sy. Never do that again.
S- what do you want? I'm in class
M- already?
S- Corpse picked me up
M- are you guys a thing now?
S- none of your business Mark, what do you want?
M- i can't text my boyfriend?
S- sure
S- go text him
M- i am
S- i'm your ex
S- we broke up because YOU CHEATED ON ME
M- oh come on Sy, you were serious about that break up?
S- i said DON'T CALL ME THAT. and yes, I was serious, now leave me alone.
M- no.
M- things won't stay like this.

"Are you okay?" Rae said from beside Sykkuno, breaking him away from his thoughts.
"What? Oh yeah, sorry Rae" Sykkuno mumbled, placing his phone in his bag.
"Are you sure you're okay, Sykkuwu? You look angry"
Sykkuno huffed and ran his fingers through his hair before explaining to her why he was so annoyed.
"Yeah yeah, it's just Mark."
"Mark?" a voice asked behind them. Sykkuno turned to see Corpse, standing there with a cup of coffee in his hand.
"What about that asshole?"
"Nothing Corpse, he just texted me again thinking we were together again"
"Are you kidding me?" Rae scoffed "After what he did to you?"
"Yeah, I know. He's really going crazy"
"So you won't?" Corpse asked biting on his lip nervously.
"Won't what?"
"Get back together?"
Sykkuno cringed at the thought, "No, of course not"
"Good" Corpse smiled, handing him the coffee he was holding, "Here, I was passing by the lunchroom and thought you'd need it. I know you slept at like 4m yesterday"
"The way you know me" Sykkuno giggled and received the drink "Thanks Corpse"
"You're welcome, Sy" he said before walking towards his desk/seat.
"Tell him" Rae fake coughed from beside Sykkuno, who in a small panic, smacked Rae's arm.
"No!" Sykkuno whispered, "Stop!"
"He brought you a coffee sweetheart"
"So?? The lunchroom is on the other side of the building! You're telling me he parked, got out of the car, walked you to class and the walked all the way to the lunchroom to get you a coffee,
just to walk back to class and you think he doesn't like you?" Rae whispered, "Come on Sykkuno!"
"Look, Rae. Maybe he doesn't, I don't know. All I know is that I can't tell him how I feel. I'm not ready. I like what we have so far"
"I respect that, but I won't stop annoying you to do it so get used to it, because Corpse loves you" Rae teases, poking Sykkuno's side.
"No, he doesnt't" Sykkuno complained.
"Sykkuno, a beautiful man can enter the room right here right now and he wouldn't even look twice. He'd keep his focus on you"
"Rae, stop, life isn't a movie, no boy is going to w-"

And as if Rae could predict the future, in came the most handsome man ever, he flawlessly waltzed in with the confidence that Sykkuno wished he had and made his way to the teacher's desk.
With a smile, he introduced himself.

"Hi! I'm Lucas, your new student!"
"Hello Lucas, welcome to the first period, Maths. Take a seat anywhere you'd like"
"Thanks" he smiled sweetly before making his way to the closest empty seat.. which was beside Corpse..

Sykkuno frowned where he sat, his demeanor changing completely as he felt himself turn green with jealousy. Until he looked to the side of the boy and watched as Corpse Husband looked straight,
his focus on Sykkuno and his gaze never wavering.

"You suck" he mouthed.
"You suck more" Sykkuno replied with a smile

"I told you" Rae whispered in Sykkuno's ear.
Sykkuno grinned at Rae's words before looking at Corpse, who was still looking straight at him.

Sykkuno's journal:
You have nothing to worry about, Sykkuno..

Corpse's priv acc:
did I spend all first period staring at *******? yes because he's so handsome and beautiful and AHHHH <333
@John- you got it bad dude! I'm telling him!

"Excuse me?" someone called, grabbing Corpse's shoulder, suddenly stopping him from walking to his second-period class.

"Yeah?" Corpse turned to see the boy who sat next to him in first period. *Luke was it?*, Corpse thought.

"Hey uh, sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you could tell me where this classroom is?? I have no idea where anything is"

"Oh yeah, yeah, of course" Corpse nodde, grabbing the schedule from the boy's hand. "That's Mr Bow, Literature, he's on the second floor, right next to the football boys' room. But beware, if you don't
die from the subject, you'll die from the smell"

The boy looked at Corpse and chuckled, with a bright smile he took his schedule back. "Thank you. You're funny..?"

"Corpse, my name is Corpse" he nodded.
"I'm Lucas"
"Cool" Corpse mumbled
"So yeah Corpse, I hope you don't mind. Maybe you could give me your Instagram or Twitter or something? I just moved here and I don't know anybody and you seem kinda cool"
"Oh yeah, of course. My username is Corpse_Husband"
"Corpse Husband?"
"Yeah, my friend Sykkuno helped me come up with it"
"Oh okay" Lucas smiled as he scrolled through his phone "I followed"
"Thank you, Corpse"
"You're welcome" he muttered before seeing someone that caught his eye. Sykkuno walking in the hallway hand to hand with Rae who seemed to be telling him something funny because it sure was entertaining Sykkuno.
"Anyways, uh Luke, it was nice meeting you. Bye"
"Actually, it's-" He watched him walk away towards the end of the hallway "it's Lucas.."

Sykkuno's acc:
today didn't suck as much as I thought it would <3
@CORPSE- i told you!
^@Sykkuno- u did :)
@Jodi- *cough* tell him *cough*

Corpse's acc:
i'm so freakishly happy right now
@Sykkuno- as you should be :) now text me back, Corpsie
^@CORPSE- on it, Sy

Lucas-Corpse DMs:
L- hey
L- it's Lucas from Maths :)

Message from Sykkuno: Corpse!!

honestly, what's up with Mark? he sus. As well as, Lucas- what's he planning? hmmm. Hope you guys enjoyed this chap! <3

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