Chapter 10

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Corpse-Sykkuno DMs:
C- sykkuno.. i see you online.. how are you?
S- hey Corpse, i'm sorry i've been out of it
S- i actually can't sleep
S- idk why, also sorry for being MIA
C- it's okay
C- lets face time?
C- catch up <3
S- yeah. I'd like that

"Hey, I haven't talked to you in a while." Corpse smiled as he saw Sykkuno's face show up on his phone screen. "I missed you so much.. I can't believe you answered."
"Sorry.. I was, umm, struggling with something."
"What's wrong, Sy?"
"It doesn't matter. I've just been feeling kinda sick lately, physically and mentally. I feel like I needed a break, even if it was just for some time."

"Sykkuno, I love you, tell me what's wrong." Corpse frowned. "Is it the same as last time? I'll call your mom to make you an appointment to the doc-"
"No, Corpse.. Don't worry, I'm alright."

*yeah right, Sykkuno, that's why you're coughing up seeds because everything's alright. Totally normal.*, Sy thought.

"Sy, if something's wrong with you, don't hold it in. You know I'm here for you. Till death do us part." he joked.
"Corpse, I'm fine" he snickered.
"Babe, listen to me. You shouldn't hold things in, it's not healthy. And i know you, you put everything and everyone first. Don't get me wrong, I love you for that.
You're so selfless, but it's okay to be selfish sometimes."
"No, it's not Corpse."
"What do you mean?"
"Today I was selfish. I made Jodi feel bad. I made her feel like shit, along with Bret and Rae. All because they didn't tell me Jodi was dating John like it wasn't my fault for barely being around. I'm so stupid... I shouldn't have yelled at her. I made no points at all now that I think of it.
I just let my dumb emotions control me."
"Sykkuno, don't be so hard on yourself, okay? Do you see me? I'm the biggest idiot ever. It's known and I make mistakes all the damn time.
You are literally perfection compared to me. Jodi will forgive you. Everything will be okay. Tomorrow, after getting the sleep you deserve, text her."

"God, Corpse Husband, the way I love you?"

"In what way Sy?"

"In what way would you want me to?"


"I'm kidding." Sykkuno said in instant regret. "I love you as a friend, Corpse, always will"

"Yeah.. Me too, Sykkuno." Corpse sighed in disappointment. Corpse was like the dream he'd never reach. He wanted him so bad. He doesn't think that would ever change.
Sykkuno would be in his heart no matter how he tried, and he's tried.

but thankfully for him, Lucas was distracting him from that.

"How's Lucas?" Sykkuno asked, coughing into his arm.

"Good, really good."
"You like him more now?"
"Yeah.. I think I do" Corpse smiled as he thought of the many memories they created recently. "He's not as bad as Bret is probably saying"
"Bret despises him." Sykkuno laughed.
"You're telling me? If I post anything about him, anything at all, he'll comment saying something about dissing him or us"
"Does it bother him?"
"Yeah, it does. But I tell him it's just Bret being Bret."

they both went silent and smiled at each other, Sykkuno stared at his phone curiously and asked him an important question.

"Are you happy, Corpse?"

"I am." he starts.

"Then I'm happy for you too.."

Sykkuno's priv acc:
I blocked everyone because i need to rant.
i'm happy, i swear I'm actually happy. I love my friends, I love my mom, I love my school, I'M GOOD.
but there's this burden in me that's so frustrating.. I just get so sad sometimes and I don't know why.
I got so mad at Jodi because I felt left out. Like I didn't matter enough to know what was going on in her life.

AND CORPSE?? don't get me started on Corpse.. I like him, I LOVE him. There's nothing confusing about these feelings. I KNOW IT'S ONLY HIM.
But yeah, no. He's with Lucas..


i hate this.. Someone please tell whoever the f is in control of my life TO LET ME BE.

Sy- hey
S- i just want to say sorry for being a bad friend.
S- i was being dramatic and overly sensitive. I shouldn't have acted that way.
S- I'm so stupid, I'm so sorry.
Rae- Sy, don't insult youself!
R- It's alright
Bret- we shouldn't have kept it from you
Jodi- i'm sorry Sykkuno...
S- it's not your fault. It's mine, I wasn't here.
S- I promise from now on, I'll be here.
S- *no matter what I'm feeling* - erased.
S- no matter what, it's us forever!!

All their friends went out that day and had tons of fun. They posted pics on their accounts, the only one who wasn't there, was Lucas.

Message from Lucas: Corpse what the hell?:(

Corpse-Lucas DMs:
L- Corpse, what the hell? :(
C- yes?
L- you went out with everybody instead of me?
L- and with Sykkuno? lol
C- Sykkuno is my friend, we'll always be friends, you can't change that Lucas, so don't even ask.
C- Sykkuno is in my life.
C- period.
L- I know but.. I thought we were going to get together. It's been two months since we've kissed. I thought you'd want to be together by now. And now that I see you with Sykkuno, it scares me.
L- I'm sorry, don't be mad at me :(
C- It's alright Luc.
C- don't worry about Sykkuno, he doesn't like me that way.
L- how do I know that?
L- if you don't want to be with me Corpse, just say it. I'm wasting my time.
L- i'm done.
C- Luc please, you know I do like you, you know I do..
L- prove it. ask me out. publicly.
C- ..if that's what you need, fine.

Corpse's acc:
(posts a short vid of him singing)
hey there Lucas, would you like to be my boyfriend? <3

Hey there Lucas - [lets say this song exists, it's basically Hey there Delilah by Plain White Ts]
@Jack- oop-, he made it official
@heytherelucas- the way you know me, of course sweetie <3
^@Bret- you have it on your profile. I think we all know it's your favorite song hun.. also, sweetie? What are you? A grandma?
@CORPSE- @heytherelucas <3 <3
@Sykkuno- how cute. <3

Sykkuno's journal:
i'll never get a break..
my chest hurts again I can't breathe, it feels like I'm drowning. FFF it literally feels like water is filling my lungs and i- FFF I CAN'T
..but- but I'm happy for him..

'moderate' symptoms begin to show; more noticeable and more painful.

istg, these two skdkdkjfkdnfkd

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