Chapter 11

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Sykkuno rubbed his chest as he tried to calm down the cough he felt. He walked as Bret talked to him about his crush of the week and tried his best not to focus on the physical pain.
It was as if he was at the bottom of the ocean, drowning as his body pleaded for him to breathe.
*Shut up, you're fine* he thought, at least that's what he repeated in his head but it wasn't true, he wasn't fine.
He was far from it, but hey at least he's not throwing up seeds anymore.

"Sykkuno, what is up with your search history?" Jodi asked. Sykkuno's eyes widened as he looked towards Jodi who laid her head on John as she swiped through his phone.

"Can I grow a garden inside me?" John asked.

Bret snatched the phone before reading out another one "What does drowning feel like?", Bret stared at him in shock, "Sykkuno, are you okay?".

"I'm fine!" he yelled before reaching out to grab his phone but before he could get it, Toast grabbed it and looked at it with Peter,
"Can you guys stop taking my phone?" he complained, taking it from their hands.

"Coughing up dirt and seeds??" Toast asked.

"Are you guys talking about the Hanahaki Disease?". The group turned to see Lucas standing there, his tray in hand. He set it down next to Bret who sat across from Sykkuno.
Bret got up in an instant, "I'm going to get water".
"Hanahaki disease?" Sykkuno asked, ignoring how Bret got up to sit next to him instead of getting the water.
"Seriously, why are you here?" Bret mumbled to himself.
"Bret" Sykkuno mumbled hitting him on his arm, making him stop talking and continue to eat his food.
"What's the Hanahaki Disease?" Sykkuno asked Lucas, unable to contain his curiosity.
"The disease of unrequited love." he muttered, taking a bite of his chips. "You guys were talking about the symptoms, throwing up dirt, then seeds, then water filling your lungs then-"

"Water filling your lungs? Like you're drowning?"

"Yeah" Lucas nodded, "it's pretty fucked up"
"But that's fake right? There's no way that can be real." he tried to rationalize.
"Of course not, Sy, ignore him" Bretman whispered but Sykkuno kept his attention towards Lucas.
"Actually, BRETmen" Lucas enunciated, "it is real".
"Call me Bretmen again, btch, I dare you" Bret said in an unsettingly calm voice.
"Bret!" Sykkuno pleaded.

"Come on, lets calm you down" Jodi said, dragging an angry Bret awat from the table.
"Sorry about him" Sykkuno said "continue with what you were saying"

"You'd think after a month of dating Corpse, he'd get over this unecessary hatred." Lucas said, rolling his eyes.
"Whatever, basically it's a real disease. It's just extremely rare. It only comes when someone is unconditionally in love with someone, and the person they love either does not love them, is confused with what they are feeling or - what I honestly think is the saddest - if they're in love with someone else."

"Oh.." Sykkuno tried to keep his growing panic off of his face. "and are there cures or??"

"Actually there is! Well it depends so-"

"Hey, what are you guys talking about?" Corpse entered the conversation with his tray of food in his hand. "I hope you guys aren't fighting."
"Of course not, sweetie." Lucas smiled. "I think Sykkuno and I are actually becoming friends."
"Really?" Corpse asked, looking towards Sykkuno who stared at him blankly for a second.

"Uh," *HELL NO* "Yeah of course!" Sykkuno covered his face with a fake smile hoping to appear more convincing than he sounded.
"Bret's going to kill you" John sang sliding into the chair next to him.
"Shush" Sykkuno hit his side.

"That's great!" Corpse cheered, "my two favorite boys don't hate each other"

*two favorite??*

"I better be first" Lucas smirked before leaning in to give him a small kiss, he lingered and held him as if proving to Sykkuno that he was Lucas's.
but Lucas didn't have to prove it, Sykkuno knew, he could feel it in him..

The blissful smile on Corpse's face made Sykkuno's whole body ache. Sykkuno felt the tide of suffocating water rise in him until it flowed into his throat and he felt himself lose his breath in the matter of seconds. Seeing stars, he doubled over to the side and coughed out the water in his trachea, he wheezed and grasped onto John as he begged for air to fill him again.

"Sykkuno!" John held onto him, patting his back. Corpse rushed to his side, kneeling in front of him.

"Sy! Sykkuno, breathe!" Corpse pleaded. "What happened??" he screamed, not caring who in the cafeteria heard him. Everyone turned to see him frantically holding the boy.

Sykkuno could feel air fill his lungs again. Sykkuno breathed heavily, as he let his head lull to the side, of course, coming to rest against Corpse.
He closed his eyes, feeling better in his arms, feeling safe, even for a moment.

"Are you okay?" John asked, resting a hand on Sy's shoulder.
"Yeah" he pauses to breathe. "Yeah, I'm fine, thanks John"
"No, you aren't!" Corpse was near tears. "We have to take you to the hospital or th-"
"Corpse, please. I'm fine."
"It's not the first time I've seen you cough like that" he said, rubbing Sy's hand. "You need to go to a doctor"
"I promise I'll go.."
"And you'll tell me when?" He pressed.
"Corpse, is this necessary?" Lucas asked, "he said he would go"
"Yes, it's necessary, you'll tell me when babe??" Corpse looked down at Sykkuno.
He could never say no to him, "Yes, I will".

"Corpse?" Lucas whispered, now standing behind him. Corpse turned to see his boyfriend.
"I'm coming, give me a second" Corpse smiled as he bent down to hig Sykkuno tightly.
"I love you" he whispered for just him to hear.

Sykkuno smiled before watching as Corpse walked away with Lucas, his arm naturally finding its way around his waist, his head not turning back to look at Sykkuno, keeping his focus on Lucas.

"You love him?" John asked. Tears pricked Sykkuno's eyes, he couldn't bear to turn around and see the look of pity that he knew would be in his John's eyes.
He swallowed down everything, tried to cram every emotion so far down inside him that maybe they would suffocate instead of him.
"Yes.. but he loves him.."
"I'm so sorry Sykk."
"Me too.."

Corpse is too oblivious :(.. Lucas is rly starting to get on my nerves LOL. Also, how does Lucas know about the disease? Hmmm... And what is he gonna do about it? Hope y'all enjoyed this chap :D

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