Chapter 7

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Corpse's acc:
(posts a pic of Lucas smiling)
Luc <3
@Lucas- <3 awh, Corpse
@Bret- delete this :)

Corpse-Bretman DMs:
C- was that necessary?
B- yes
C- whatever bret, i need to talk to you
B- no
C- Bret!
C- where's Sykkuno?
C- he wasn't here this morning
B- why do you care?
C- you know I care
C- you know I care so much
C- so don't even start
B- it doesn't look like you care when you post about another boy
C- Sykkuno and I aren't dating. He doesn't like me like that
B- does the curly hair solution seep into your brain?
B- he's sick dckhead
B- but he said he's feeling better and might come back tomorrow
C- okay, thank you
B- whatever.

Corpse's priv acc:
two days and Sykkuno hasn't posted or texted anything.

Corpse rubbed his hands nervously as he stood at the door, he paced back and forth a few times before finding the courage to ring the doorbell.

"yes? who is it?" Corpse heard a voice come from the other side, that sweet voice that was like music to his ears.

"Sy, it's me" he inhaled sharply. "it's Corpse".

A few seconds passed before Sykkuno started to unlock the door, he opened it slowly, the door creaking as he revealed his face.
Corpse frowned as he stared at hi, Sykkuno's eyes were bloodshot and his cheeks were puffy. Corpse could see traces of dirt on his shirt and face.

"Sy" he said before locking his arms around his body, he held him tightly. Sykkuno's face sank into his chest as he welcomed the hug with open arms and clutched on to him as if he was asking for him to never let go.

"Come in" he mumbled.

"okay", he smiled softly letting him go, he walked towards the couch, sitting down as he waited for him to follow him.

Sykkuno closed the door as he made his way towards Corpse. He hesitantly sat across from him as he started to play with his fingers.
He didn't want to cough up dirt in front of him, he didn't want anyone to know. He told his mother that he had a cold and his friends that there was no correlation between him being sick and the dirt. Thankfully, they didn't question him too much. But Corpse? Corpse wouldn't let go. He was too stubborn.

"Before anything, I need to say sorry" Corpse grabbed Sykkuno's hand. "I'm so sorry for believing that was you, Sy. I should've known. God, I didn't think it was you but I still believed it. I don't know why, it just hurt me so much and I-"

"Corpse!" he set his other hand atop of his. "It's not your fault. Mark took my phone, you didn't know"

"I know, but if only I hadn't believed him.. if-" he started, he wanted to say that he wouldn't have gotten involved with Lucas, but it wasn't something he could say..
he had no idea if Sykkuno liked him romantically, never did. So instead of saying what he wanted to, he changed the subject.

"Also, about Lucas not letting us talk yesterday.. I'm so sorry, he's a little.. difficult."

"You've known him 3 days, Corpse" Sykkuno stated. "Do you think you really know him?"
"No, i don't think i know him. More like I'm getting to know him"
"Do you like him?" he asked suddenly.
"Yes but not-"
"Are you two dating?"
"We've only gone on two dates. It's nothing serious, like you said we've know each other for 3 days.."
"Don't give me an explanation, Corpse. I don't need one" Sykkuno let go of his hand before rubbing his own together. "I get it, I do, I just-"

"Sykkuno", he got closer. "Listen to me, I'm sorry about how everything went down that morning, I should've stayed and listened. I wanted to."
he ran his hand through his hair before getting even closer. "I don't want you to think I didn't want to or that I don't care or-"
"Corpse, don't worry about it."
"No, I need you to understand. That nothing compares to you. No boy or anyone for that matter, is as important to me as you are. I love you, babe."

Sykkuno suddenly felt himself take a deep, steady breath. The first one in 3 days that didn't make him want to cry, his lungs weren't hurting and he wasn't fighting the need to cough, he was cure-

Suddenly Corpse's phone rang.

"It's Lucas"

Just like that, the safe, happy feeling was gone. Sykkuno gasped for air before coughing into his arm. Corpse held onto Sykkuno and patted his back until he finally stopped, not noticing the new amount of dirt that stained the sleeve of his shirt.

"Are you okay?" he asked, rubbing his back more.
"I'm okay" he smiled holding back from revealing the truth which was that his chest was on fire.
"Have you gone to the doctor?"
"No, I'm okay Corpse, really" he lied again "in fact, tomorrow I'm going back to school, so don't think you can get rid of me"
"Never, I'm stuck with you, remember?" Sykkuno looked up at Corpse with a smile, his phone started to ring again.
"Lucas?" Sykkuno mumbled, his face changing immediately as he felt his heart drop to his stomach, "tell me".
"Yeah.." Corpse admitted, "but I'll talk to him later, we're going ou-"
"Going out?" Sykkuno asked, "then go", he stood up from the couch and began to walk away towards the front door but Corpse grabbed his arm and pulled him around.

"Don't be mad, Sy. Please. He won't replace your role in my life."

"I know, I'm not- I'm not mad at all, why would I be mad?!" Sykkuno said defensively, it was obvious that Corpse liked Lucas, Sykkuno could feel it.
He didn't want to believe it but it was obvious and he had no choice but to admit it. Corpse's happiness had to come before him, that's what he thought so that's why he did what he did.

Sykkuno just couldn't be selfish.

So he said those few words that sealed his fate and changed the course of both of their destinies. "I think that you two are great together. You finally got a boy to like you."

"Yeah finally." Corpse muttered, Sykkuno's words hurt him. Hurt him badly. It was true, he liked Lucas, but Sykkuno..
Sykkuno wasn't someone he liked. Sykkuno was someone he loved, but after what he said, everything was confirmed. He didn't love him back, not in that way..
It was crystal clear to him. So he forced a smile on his face and pushed his happiness to the side.. Time to get Sykkuno out of his heart..

"I have one question.. What were you going to tell me?" Corpse asked in desperation. He was going to remove Sykkuno from his mind. He had to.
But he wanted, no, needed to know what he was going to say.

"It's nothing important. I was going to say I love you. Like always, you know, since you're my friend."

"Yeah.. friend" he breathed in sharply, he knew he couldn't stay here any longer, not with the tears that were threatening to spill.
"I guess I'll go then" he laughed nervously stepping in front of him.
"yeah, yeah, of course." Sykkuno nodded "wouldn't want to keep Lucas waiting"
"No, no, I wouldn't" he chuckled.
"Bye Corpse." he said with a faint smile.

Corpse walked out of the house and Sykkuno watched as he got onto the sidewalk and skated away to the corner, he frowned, wanting him to turn around, to run back, to prove his theory wrong. But he didn't. So he walked inside and closed the door.

Meanwhile, Corpse did turn around. But when he turned, instead of seeing him standing there like he wanted, he just saw the door close shut.

"Bye Sy.."

Sykkuno walked into his house, he threw himself on to the couch as he felt another cough coming on, he held onto his chest and doubled over, as he began to let it out.
His hair getting in the way of his vision, he groaned in frustration throwing his head back as he tried to breathe steadily again. He looked down expecting to see dirt once again. But he frowned once he saw it wasn't dirt anymore but something else. Sykkuno sat on his knees before picking up the thing that came out of his body.
He cursed confused once again as he saw what looked like little brown rocks, as he played with it, the more he realized what it was.. And felt himself becoming evern more scared.
First dirt, now seeds..

Why was this happening to him?

I honestly hate hurting them, oof-

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