Chapter 8

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Mia's POV (One week later)
It's been a week since I've talked to Marcellius. I've been trying to get a hold of him, but no response. And I can't seem to focus on anything other than that rival Mafia leader telling me to be careful. 

I knew that Marcellius was bound to have women before me. I expected nothing less, but it seemed like there was more to the story than just a bad break up. I mean why would he say that? Could he just be trying to get under my skin?

What doesn't sit right with me is that Marcellius didn't deny any of it. I blamed his lack of response on the fact that he was so blinded by rage. I mean his enemy just walked into his club. A number of things could have taken place. And it might have, considering I had to leave early.

I've been texting Marcellius all day wondering if he's okay. If something happens to him, then I don't know what I would do. Just the mere thought of it makes me feel queasy.

I've decided that when I do see Marcellius again, I'm going to ask him. It wasn't like we were together, but if there was ever to be a future between us then I deserve to know.

"You okay Mia?" Leah asks, looking at me with concern. "You seem...I don't know..distracted." She eyes Marcellius' spot. It's empty, and it hasn't been empty in three years. Marcellius still hasn't responded to my text messages. I don't know if I should be worried, angry, or both.

I give her a small smile and lie straight through my teeth. "No, everything's fine. Just..tired." I can tell Leah's not very confident in my answer, but she nods anyway and returns back to work.

Grabbing the tray of food off the counter, I walk over to a table where a couple is sitting. Watching them gaze into each other's eyes lovingly, while occasionally laughing, only adds to my frustration.

I want this.

And I want it with Marcellius.

"Here you are," I say with a forced smile as I set their order in front of them. "Anything else I can get for you today?"

The woman shakes her head, but the man responds. "No thank you."

Returning back to the counter, I set the tray down on the counter before disappearing into the back. I pull out my phone, scrolling through my unanswered text messages. I have the urge to just call him, but I didn't want to interrupt him if he was busy. Despite my attempts to wait for him to contact me, I can no longer focus. I need to know if he's okay.

So I called him.

Bringing the phone up to my ear, I listen to the sound of it ringing and wait to hear his low authoritative voice through the speaker.

After several rings I finally hear a voice. I was expecting to hear Marcellius' voice, but instead I heard Luciano's voice. "Hey Mia."

"Uh, what's going on and why are you answering Marcel's phone?"

"He's busy and won't be able to come to the phone right now."

"Is everything okay?" All I want to do is make sure he's not in the hospital or shot dead somewhere. With all that tension at the nightclub last week, I wouldn't be surprised if a fight broke loose after I left.

"Yes, everyone's fine."

I can hear it in his voice that he's holding back information. There's something he's not telling me, and I'm wondering if it has to do with what that rival Mafia leader said.

Sighing with relief, I am glad to hear that Marcellius is okay. But at the same time, I would've liked to hear him tell me instead. "Can you tell him to please call me when he gets the chance?" I just wanted to hear his voice. I needed to hear his voice. It brings me comfort and I feel safer.

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