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Xiumin's POV

I can't believe that both Kai and Yoona were ignoring me. I went outside and headed towards the kitchen to drink some water.

Then, I heard something fall from Tiffany Noona's room followed by sounds of fumbling. Seeing that Nichkhun Hyung's shoes were still here, I decided not to bother them.

There was a psst. I looked at the front door and saw Kim Hyoyeon dangling. She's like our own monkey. Better not tell her what I just said.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered. "I- Umm- Uh- Since Yoona is asleep and Uh- Tiffany is Umm.. Doing things with Nichkhun, you're free to go, monkey."

Wow, look who's talking. She nicknamed me monkey for some reason.

Yoona's POV

The next morning, I was woken up by a message sound. I checked my phone with one eye open. Tiffany Unnie. Grr... Why didn't she just knock-

Yoona, we have more evidence saying Xiumin is the murderer. Suho, EXO's leader, said that he found the murder weapon in Xiumin's room 2 days before the murder.

What? Xiumin... Is really the killer? I looked down and only saw Kai. Really, how could he lie to me like that?

I woke Kai up. "Yah, get dressed. We're finding Xiumin." He hastily dressed himself in better clothes.

I didn't forget about the cuffs, though. Kai followed almost everywhere. And I thought about sending him to the prison or something.

Hell, I won't. He's a dangerous criminalㅡor maybe a suspect. "Yah. Are you sending me somewhere? If you do, please send me to Taeyeon Noona's." Said Kai.

"Wait. You know Taeyeon Unnie?" I asked. "Yeah, if I know Sooyoung Noona and Hyoyeon Noona, why wouldn't I know her?" Said Kai.

"Wait.. I think Sooyoung was the person who punched me in the face. Hyoyeon? Kim Hyoyeon? She's... in the prison, right? Like, Korea's Pentagon." I muttered to myself.

"Er, about that. IㅡI mean Sunny NoonaㅡGot her out. Meh, and I suspect that's how Xiumin Hyung got out from your 'so guarded' house." I can tell that he regretted giving me all those information.

"I'm dropping you and I'll search for Xiumin." And, like Kai, I regretted telling him that. He nodded like a good boy.

Taeyeon Unnie was surprised to see Kaiㅡand meㅡ at her private territory. Well, not exactly private. She lives there with Seohyun and Yuri Unnie.

"Yuri-yah! Your cousin is here!" Shouted Taeyeon Unnie. "What? You're her cousin? Hell, I feel stupid." I said.

"And Yoona! Xiumin dropped by, saying about sorry about the other night? Here, he left this for you." Taeyeon Unnie handed over a piece of paper.

I took it as fast as the lightning. It was a wonder the piece of paper didn't rip apart. I opened it and read it out loud.

Dear Yoona,

I'm sorry I left home. I'm with my friends. I didn't run because I'm guilty. I ran because you remind me of someone, someone that made my heart ache. And because they kinda forced me to follow them. You look so much like Mina, my high school friendㅡor crush. She passed away. Everybody believed that Mina killed herself, but I can't. I finally accepted that she killed herself after all this years. The other nightㅡwhere you woke upㅡyour face didn't hit the floor. Or, it didㅡbut you woke up because.. Because I kissed you. Now, just remember that I did that cause you look so much like Mina. Don't misunderstand.


I think my jaw hit the floor. Xiumin? Kissing me? Hell, I can't even imagine it. He's cute and all, but definitely not my style.

And, Mina? She.. died? Well, first of all, I actually have a twin sister. But, like Xiumin's friend, she killed herself. During high school.

No way Xiumin knew her. Or did she? I didn't attend the same school as Mina did cause, you know. I'm always busy with work.

She did tell me about a guy though. I didn't pay attention to her. Now, I kinda regret it though. Whatever the case is, I must find Xiumin.

"Er, Yoona Unnie? I think I have an idea to find Xiumin." Seohyun suddenly spoke. "What is it?" I asked. "Ask for help from Suho Oppa." Said Seohyun.

To be continued

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