Chapter 12

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Harry arrived to Wool’s Orphanage on September first and introduced himself to Mrs. Cole as a worker for the boarding school, come to fetch Tom. She ushered Tom out the door as quickly as possible and Harry thanked her before guiding Tom down the street. 

“Harry, how come you’re the one to pick me up and not Professor Dumbledore?”

“Well, he’s got classes to prepare for so he asked me if I could take you to the station.”

“But what if the other kids are mean like they are here?” Harry smiled as they walked. 

“Just trust me, Tom. You do trust me, don’t you?” Tom nodded. “Good. I was nervous too, my first time on the Hogwarts Express. I had to go alone, I didn’t have anyone there to help me. But the children I met were all very kind. Most of them grew up around magic, so you can ask them anything you want.” Tom still looked downtrodden, but Harry wasn’t having it. 

“Tom,” he said firmly. “You’re excited to learn? To find out more about magic?” Tom nodded enthusiastically. “And you remember what I told you about Magic always playing fair? Even Magic will not let bullying and hatefulness go unpunished. If the other kids are mean to you, then tell a professor.” The two got to the train station and Harry taught Tom how to walk through the barrier and smiled at the sheer wonderment on Tom’s face when he was met with a bustling station complete with the red and black steam engine. 

“Welcome to Platform 9 ¾, Tom. Now, take your trunk and go find a compartment. The train will be leaving soon!” Tom gave Harry a bone crushing hug and thanked him over and over again before asking if he’d visit. 

“Now Tom, when have I ever not visited you?” The train whistle blew, followed by children making a mad dash to get on. “Go on, it’s about to leave!” Tom ran off and Harry took the opportunity to disillusion himself, swigged the deaging potion in his pocket down and ran onto the train before it started moving. Tom wasn’t too far off, but he was making his way to the back of the train at a rather clipped pace. Harry followed him right into an empty compartment and dissolved the disillusionment charm. 

“Wow, it’s a lot harder to move through crowds like that than I remember!” Tom gasped and turned before his eyes went wide. “H-Harry?”

“The one and only! How do I look?” Tom sputtered and Harry smiled before checking his reflection in the window. “Ah, I’d forgotten how unruly my hair can be. Ah well, can’t be helped now.” He sat down and pulled out his trunk from a pocket before enlarging it and the two boys hoisted the trunks to the storage above them. 

“So, you’re going to Hogwarts with me?” Harry nodded. “But why?”

“How could I possibly let you go to Hogwarts without company?” He winked and the two chatted the entire way to the school.

Professor Dumbledore greeted the first year students at the doors and sent a helpful drying charm to a particularly unlucky student before speaking. 

“Welcome to Hogwarts! I’m Professor Dumbledore, Head of Gryffindor House and your Transfiguration teacher. There are four houses at Hogwarts: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house represents different traits: bravery, loyalty, intelligence and cunningness respectively. You’ll be called up to have the Sorting Hat placed upon your head, who will then tell you which house you will be in. Your House will be like your family while you are at Hogwarts. Each House can collect points for correct answers and good-doing, and points can be deducted for poor behaviour and rule breaking. The dorms are separated by houses, classes are separated by houses and there are dedicated tables for your house in the Great Hall.” With that, Dumbledore opened the doors to the Great Hall and the students filed in behind him. Tom, while clearly nervous, stood tall despite his nerves. Harry smiled at him and nudged his shoulder to get him to relax. 

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