Chapter 17

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A month later, Harry woke up at the same time as usual to go to work but found that he absolutely did not want to get out of bed. His muscles were sluggish and unwilling to respond to his mind telling him to get up. In the end, he was twenty minutes late to work. His boss was already ranting at him about punctuality before he'd even walked in, but once he caught sight of Harry told him to turn right around and go back home because he looked a right mess.

When he got home, he glanced in a mirror.

He had bags under his eyes and looked like he was about to collapse under himself. He decided that he was no longer going to stay up at night and would simply go to bed when he felt tired. Once he'd made that decision, he grabbed a soft wool blanket from the bedroom and went to sit in the living room with the telly on. Eventually, he fell asleep.

He woke up a little while later when Tom came back from running errands. The groceries were dropped in lieu of rushing to Harry's side and Harry groaned before sitting up and pushing him off.

"I'm fine, I just didn't get much sleep last night. Reginald sent me home as soon as I showed up at work-I must have fallen asleep while I was watching the telly. I didn't mean to worry you." Tom gave him a scrutinizing look before letting it go.

The next few days passed in a similar manner. Harry would have a hard time dragging himself out of bed no matter what time he went to sleep and started skipping food on his lunches to take a power nap instead. He was mildly concerned about it, until he heard a group of women discussing the latest bout of flu was really only showing itself in a lack of appetite and tiredness. A mild flu season, to be sure.

And Harry hadn't noticed a change in his appetite, but maybe he'd just gotten lucky with only being so tired.

The switch happened so fast it threw both Harry and Tom through a loop. Harry woke up one day to having endless amounts of energy and an incredible appetite. Tom had given him a few suspicious looks, but overall didn't mention anything until the next week. Harry had insisted he was fine, it was all the extra sleep he'd been getting in lately that was finally doing it's job, but the diagnostic spell Tom flung his way clearly told him that Tom wasn't buying it.

Truth be told, Harry was worried about the sudden changes that were happening for no reason but he didn't want to voice his concerns lest he be making a nuisance out of himself. Tom, on the other hand, was beyond worried and had decided to take matters into his own hands.

A sheaf of parchment appeared and Tom started reading before a grin spread across his face.

"What, what is it?" Tom vanished the parchment and shook his head.

"Nothing, you're in perfect health. I'm just happy there's nothing wrong with you. Now, go upstairs and undress. I plan on making you very tired tonight." He winked at Harry who blushed but obliged rather quickly.

He loved it when Tom tuckered him out. Especially if he was planning to do that thing with his tongue again...

"I don't see why you want to throw a party, it's no one's birthday and you've only invited the two of us."

"Oh hush, you love parties and I didn't feel like cleaning up after a group of people today. Now do me a favour and get the cake from the kitchen?" Harry huffed in a teasing way and went to grab the giant cake Tom had ordered. He could hear Tom hanging something up in the living room. Curiosity ran through his veins but he supposed he'd see what it was that Tom was hanging when he fetched the cake.

Walking back into the living room, he scanned the walls for a sign and found it almost instantly. It read: 'You have a Riddle for me!'

Confusion coloured his emotions as he set the cake down on the coffee table before he plopped onto the nearest part of the couch.

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