Chapter 2 - SEOUL KOREA

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Here I am korea!..

I got bored on my flight, all i did there was watching the sky, wondering what will happen to my new life here in S.korea...
-_-/sigh*/ Let's just hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

"Minji-ah! Here!" someone shouted my name, i looked from the left and saw my dad waving on me.
"Daddy!" I run to him and gave him a tight hug. It's been 8 years since I last saw dad, his face change alot.

"Minji-ah, Dad miss you alot. you've grown alot baby girl. youre not a baby anymore." Dad said hugging me more tighter.
"I miss you too Dad. so much" a tear fall from my cheeks.

"Aw don't cry baby girl. I'm sorry for not being able to be there to comfort youwhen your mother died. I'm sorry for those day that I'm not with you" dad also cried while hugging me tight.

"it's ok dad. it's past now, and i know mom is happy now with God up there." I said while wiping my tears.

"youre right baby girl, It's past, so Let's with a new life with me. and I want you to meet you step mom and your step sister tommorow, ok. I'm sorry i forgot to tell you that i got a new wife when the day me and your mom divorced." wait? what?! I have an step mom?! why didn't he tell me?! aishh..

"why didn't you tell me earlier dad?. ok fine I'll be good to them." I hope soo...

"Thank you Minji-ah. just treat them like your own family ok?. Let's go now." I just nodded and we headed to our car.


"Wake up Minji! Were here!." Dad said while shaking my shoulder. I didn't notice that i fell asleep...

when i step out of the car..... i was speechless, i even blink many times just to know if its a dream... Just...WOW!! This f*cking House is so Big compared to our house in Japan.

"D-Dad... Is this our house?"
"Neh~ minji-ah, it's our own house. Let's come in, I'll take you to your room" dad said while teaching me the way to my room.

When i step inside the house.....WOW!! It's freaking big! It looks like a mansion. And my Room! Woahhh! King sized bed?! And a very big TV in front!

"Wooahh! is it all mine?...i.. I mean, is this really my room?" (OoO)?

"Hahaha yes minji its all yours and its your own room from now on. So fix your things now, and i need to go in my office for awhile cause there is an emergency. If you need something just call the maids, ok?. i'll go now, take care of yourself, annyeong(bye)" After dad gets out, i quickly jumped into my bed, feeling the softness of my bed...owws heaven~

After arraging all my things, i decided to have a walk outside to see how beautiful S.korea is. i decided to go to the park near our house, It's refreshing there, i was sitting at the bench while watching the kids play, i remembered something about my past....m-my....


/sigh*/......never mind 😐

After getting some freshed air at the park, i saw a bubble tea shop nearby. So i decided to buy some.
"One chocolate bubble tea please."
"Here's your bubble tea ma'am."
"Kamsahamnida (thanks)"

After i bought, i decided just to go home...while i was walking, suddenly a guy bump into me. And I accidently poured my drink on his shirt. /OoO!/

"Ughh! yah!! Watch where you going kid! See, you even make me wet! Ughh! Now apologized to me kid!!" A tall guy with an orange hair just yell at me...

"Me? Kid?! Are you f*cking serious?! Youre the one who run over into me, so you should be the one who should be sorry!!"

tsk. How dare him to call me a kid?! This bastard!! He even waisted my bubble tea!!!! Let me teach this bastard a lesson!!.
I kick his feet so hard and he moan in pain.... /evil smirk*/ He deserve it anyway 😛

I was about to walk out but Suddenly he grab my arm and pined me into to the wall beside me (O_O?!) oh sh*t! /gulp*/

his face is coming closer and closer to my face >O<! His breath is giving me shivers all over my body! Crap*!!! No.....please.....jebal.... 😣!!

" /smirk*/ Do you not know me huhm?! "
"/gulp*/ h-how could i...i k-now you..y-you didn't even tell me your nam---....Yah!! Where are you going!! You still didn't apologiz--- Yah!!"

He suddeny run without letting me finish my words! /aist!*/ Like what the f*ck?! he did even apologize!! And he didn't even paid for my bubble tea?! ughh f*ck! I'm going to kill that bastard if ever i see his face again!!!

I was really pissed, so i just decided to go home since it's kinda getting dark. I need to go home before sunset...


BTS including me was in a fight against EXO-M, they are also a kingkas in our school but their popularity isn't the same as my group.

we was about to beat EXO-M,when EXO-K suddenly came to help their co-members.
We found it unfair because they cheated, they ask for a help on other group and they are too many and we are only 7.
We got panic on how we can win over ExoK and ExoM for short EXO, So we decided just to run as fast as we can.

"Taehyung hyung! Go on that way! And I'll go to the opposite way!! Get it?!!" Jungkook said while running like speedy.
"Arraso!! Let's just meet at the park!!" He nodded and we splited ways...

I was running so fast, I didn't notice that someone is infront of me, I bumped into her and she accidently poured her drinks into my shir. /sh*t!!/

"Ughh! yah!! Watch where you going kid! See, you even make me wet! Ughh! Now apologized to me kid!!" I said feeling pissed..

"Me? Kid?! Are you f*cking serious?! Youre the one who run over into me, so you should be the one who should be sorry!!"

While i was wiping my shirt, i was suprised when she kicked my foot.../sh*t!! Oww crap!! It hurt like Hell!! How could this girl do this to me?! Does she not now who am i?! I'll take my revenge then. Tsk. /evil smirk*/

When she was about to walk out, i grab her arm and pined her in the wall beside her. I knew she was nervous that time. Tsk. Tsk. /smirk*/

" /smirk*/ Do you not know me huhm?! " I closer my face to her while examinating her pretty face. Tsk.

"/gulp*/ h-how could i...i k-now you..y-you didn't even tell me your nam---...."
She was talking but suddenly i saw luhan and sehun running towards me, so i run as fast as i can, leaveng the girl behind... She was shouting something but i wasn't able to hear it clear.

After i escaped to luhan and sehun, i remembered BTS are waiting for me at the park...

"Taehyung!! why did you took so long?! We've been waiting here for almost an hour. And what happened to your shirt?" Rapmon hyung said angrily.

"Mianhe hyung~.... I...uhmm....bumped into someone and she accidently threw her drinks into my shirt." I said while scratching the back of my head.

"Aish! You really are so careless taehyung!. anyway guys i need to go home now. Tomorrow is the firstday of school and the firstday of being a senior, so i still need to prepare my things." -Jin hyung

"Nado(me too) hyung, maybe let's all go home since we still have classes tomorrow, see you tomorrow in school, Bye!" Jungkook said waving good bye.

HI Guys! Chapter 2 is here! 😃 I'll update the chapter 3 later 😃 please VOTE and COMMENT 😃 thank you so much 😘 sorry if some words are wrong spell XD kamsa~❤️

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