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< Saturday >

{ Tatum }

"Unca Cal!" The twins yelled, running to their uncle who had just walked through the door. Ashton and I are going to a big surf banquet tonight in San Diego and Calum came down to stay with the kids,

"Tiny people!" Calum dropped his backpack and went to his knees, pulling his niece and nephew into his arms,

"Thank you Calum" I grinned as he stood with the kids, "I appreciate this"

"Yeah absolutely" he waved it off, letting the kids run off to the couch.

Ashton passed me and went to put our stuff in the car then he returned to my side.

"We're leaving my babies" I called. Avery and Krew made their way to us as Ashton and I bent down,

"Be super good for Uncle Cal" Ashton kissed them both,

"We will be home tomorrow. Just one sleep then me and Daddy will be back" I kissed them after Ashton,

"Bye bye" the kids hugged us then Ashton and I headed out before we changed our minds and stayed home.

"You know, this is only the second time we've left the kids" Ashton spoke,

"I know" I sighed and took his hand, "I miss them"

"Baby, we're an hour into the drive" Ashton laughed,

"Yeah but I like when they climb in bed with us to cuddle and I like their cute little laughs"

"We will see them tomorrow" Ashton squeezed my hand.


We got to the hotel and headed up to our room. Ashton hung up our dress clothes for tonight and started a shower.

"What time do we have to be there?" Ashton questioned as we both got undressed,

"Six so we have a good four hours"

"Good. So we can take our time" he winked. I rolled my eyes and got under the warm water with him.

"I miss when we used to take showers and baths all the time together" I mumbled as I wrapped my arms around his waist and let my head rest on his bare chest,

"Me too. It was one of those special intimate moments" he hummed in response.

We stood there for a while, just letting the water run over us.

We finally got out and started getting ready. I was already in my dress and was now doing my makeup in the bathroom mirror.

Ashton walked in and leaned against the doorway. He looked really good, wearing black dress pants and a blue dress shirt that matched my dress,

"So what all is happening at this banquet?" he asked walking towards me, wrapping his arms around me from behind and letting his chin rest on my shoulder,

"It's just like an end of the season thing with awards and dinner. But, we are also finding out who gets to represent and surf in the international tournament"

"Yeah? Do you think you'll be picked?"

"I don't know" I spoke honestly, "Part of me wants to but the other part doesn't. I don't know if I'll be able to leave the kids that long. Me and you have managed distance, but I've never left the kids that long"

"I understand that" Ashton kissed my cheek, "And if you do get picked, we will make it work. Maybe the kids and I can go with you"

"I'd like that"


We got to the venue that the banquet was at and headed inside, taking a seat at our table with Calihan and Sarah. They flew in for this but fly home tomorrow.

"A kid-free night?" Sarah grinned,

"Yeah" I laughed, "But we miss them like crazy"

"We sat in the car for thirty minutes before coming in here with the kids on FaceTime" Ashton smiled as the head of the WSL stepped up on the stage.

"Welcome. First I'd like to say it's great having all of you here. Surfing, well sports in general, are still getting back to normal since the pandemic. Every single person has surfed well and overcame many things. So let's use this night for all the great victories"

Dinner was passed around and they started showing highlight clips. When mine came up, Ashton squeezed my hand. It showed lots of my great waves then the very last video was one of Ashton, the kids, and me hugging after my win in Hawaii on Mother's Day.

"That was one of my favorite tournaments" I whispered up to my husband.


Servers came around and took everyone's empty plates and filled wine glasses. The head of the league stepped back up and started speaking,

"As we know the international tournament is coming up and we have made the decision on who will represent the United States. There are four people who were chosen. Two men and two women. These four were picked based on records"

I quickly grabbed Ashton's hand,

"The four who will be representing the United States are, John John Florence, Kelly Slater, Carissa Moore, and Tatum Irwin"

I gasped and looked at Ashton, hugging him immediately,

"Congrats baby" he smiled and pressed a kiss to my lips.

The four of us stood and walked up, receiving jerseys. I held it up once I sat back down and smiled at Ashton,

"They changed my last name to Irwin finally"

"Bout damn time"


We got back to the hotel and Ashton and I got changed and climbed into bed. I curled up in his side and let his arms wrap around me.

"I'm proud of you" Ashton whispered, kissing my head,

"You and the kids are going to come, right? The tournament is in Hawaii" I spoke, leaning my head back to look at him,

"Of course Tatum. Maybe we can even figure out some moving stuff while we're there"

I smiled and pressed a soft kiss to his lips,

"Should we sleep so we can go home to our babies?" Ashton laughed,

"Definitely" I chuckled and settled back down,

"I love you Tatum"

"I love you too Ashton"

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