𝐵.𝐹.𝐹 ✨

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"Don't ever run away like that again," Yeji spoke in literal anger to Euphrasia as she looked at herself in the handheld mirror while she sat at the table before her.

New sat beside her and sighed, "You almost gave us a heart attack is what she's saying, A. We're not mad we were just worried. Then Hongjoong also called her."

Yeji scoffed, "Like he has any right to go off about such a small thing with what he's done." New kicked her chair and she groaned.

"What'd he do?"

"Nothing, sweetheart. Don't worry about it."

Euphrasia had a feeling she probably shouldn't but she decided not to push it, "What did I miss yesterday?"

"Nothing much. It was just coming back from break but it was like your first day and there's some people that you don't know since we've gotten some new people while you were gone.."

"What about-"

New scoffed, "Oh trust me when I say that she's here and has gotten worse day by day."

Yeji shook her head, "You know how we have that class where we study our parents?"

"Oh you mean the one where we also get judged for our parent's actions as well? Yeah I know that one, you guys still have it too?"

Yeji and New nodded but Yeji held her hand up, "But that's not the point. I'm saying that it shouldn't define our personalities whereas some people act just like their parents. Yes I can get having our parents abilities but we're born with our own feelings."

"Well some people just haven't gotten the memo," New said before the bell rang, "Come on, we have first period."


First Period made Euphrasia feel so good. Not just because Yeji and New were sitting at the table with her.

Making Myths. Practically New's favorite class.

Right before Euphrasia sat down, she felt a chill down her back, why was she feeling that here.

She turned and looked at the door, seeing nothing before she sat down.

"Did you guys see or feel something? Or was it just me?" Asia looked over at her friends then New shook his head, "Nope but I know that you should start taking notes."

Euphrasia pouted as she opened the notebook and began to write what was written on the board until she noticed something outside.

What was he doing out there?

She knew that pink hair anywhere, was he getting extra practice before the comeback game? Where was his gear?

Shrugging, she went back to her work until she saw something else in the corner of her eye. Turning, she saw a girl running up to him and into his arms. What really surprised her was him kissing her forehead before grabbing her hand and walking away.

San. What?


Hungry or not?

Right now, Euphrasia didn't know as she sat at the lunch table with her friends. All the boys were able to join them , except Mingi and Seongwha also Yunho, and right now she was on top of San's lap because he pulled her there and she just didn't feel like it.

"Euphrasia, oh my gosh I was looking for you all yesterday, I'm so excited you're back." That voice. Boy, did she hate that voice, ever since she was little.

Getting up, she gasped as she saw who was next to the girl she despised already. Sorn, daughter of Hera, was already enough but this was gonna be another level.

"What are you doing here? Is this where you went when you left?"

The black haired girl who stood next to Sorn had finally gathered the girl's attention as she stepped up to her, "Where else? Mom said I needed more friends."

"Hyppolita, Queen of Amazons, said that? You're ridiculous, Jiwon."

Jiwon smirked before reaching up and grabbing her hair, "I like your little school. I've even began making myself comfortable, very comfortable."

Euphrasia pushed the girl away from her, "Watch your mouth and stay away from them."

"We don't have to when they come to us," Sorn smirked, "You seriously thought they were gonna wait for you all that time?"

Asia looked to the table at the boys to see them looking back at her. Jiwon placed her hand on Asia's shoulder, "It's okay it'll be okay."

"If you don't stop touching me I'll break every bone in your body then barbecue you and feed you to the hellhounds. Don't touch me, right now, no one." She grabbed her bag and tray, as she exited she threw it away.

Yeji stood up and slapped Sorn, "Who the hell do you think you are to come here and corner her like that?" She looked to Jiwon, "And you? I don't care if you are any kind of Amazon, I'll die fighting." Looking over, she glared at the boys, "you're all pathetic. I don't know how she's still in love with you."

"You better hope we can find her." New scoffed before he followed Yeji out.

Euphrasia walked through the forest that was on the edge of the school then smiled as she finally stepped upon the dock and sat down and saw the water that went for miles and miles.

Hopefully they couldn't find her.

None of them. She didn't wanna be bothered.

Feeling something soft against her side, she turned and saw a small wolf cub at her side. "Hello there cutie.." Allowing the animal to climb onto her lap, she rubbed its head as she listened the music that the water played, "Hear that?"

The little thing looked up at her, innocence in its eyes, "Where's your owner, little guy?"

"She's a girl," The deep voice behind Euphrasia said as the wolf cub barked and ran towards it while Euphrasia stood up and turned around, "Did you follow me?"

Chan scoffed as he picked up the wolf cub and held her in his arms, "Nope I was chasing after her as I was taming her and I guess she found you, good thing you found her. Guess she likes you, she was biting everyone else."

"Really? She's a sweetheart, she's just nervous is all." Asia ran her hand over the cub's head, "You've been having a bad day?" She laughed as if her and the animal were having a conversation, "Me too."

Bang Chan smiled, "Guess your mother's abilities can come in handy sometimes. Anyway what did she say?"

"You need to let her stretch her legs a little. She's been caged up and she hasn't been outside in so long. Let her run around," Asia pouted as she grabbed the wolf and placed her down before she ran into the woods, "She'll be back."

"You know you're not supposed to be giving orders to an upperclassman especially one such as me," Bang Chan said as he pointed to the purple uniform he was wearing.

Same as Seongwha and Hongjoong.

"Yeah but you're Bang Chan."

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