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Naiomi Miller getting ready to go to school again just like every day of her freshman year; her bag was well organized and prepared, she was dressed in a white dress, not so long but not too short (knee-length), and wore her bright emerald converse snickers, and her hair tied in a bun that took her 10 sec to tie. Her parents waiting for her in the car all excited and happy, they finally saw her come out the door running till she jumps in the backseat.

" Nai Nai, it's your last week of freshman year!!", Mrs.Miller said excitedly.

"How'd you feel Nai Nai!! ", Mr.Miller included

"Well I am excited about summer vacation, although it's kind of sad seeing my first year come to an end, only got 3 years left before the big big thing comes", Naiomi replied with a smile that slowly faded.

"Oww, it is kind of sad, anyways enjoy your last week of freshman year", Mrs.Miller said with a warm smile.

While Mr.Miller looked at the windshield and gave another comforting smile to Naiomi.

*fast-forwarding that 1 last week of the school year*

It's been 1 week of summer vacation, and Mr. and Mrs.Miller decided to go out of town for a week in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania, and they live in Montevallo, Alabama which is about 977.5 miles, and takes about 15 hrs by car to get there.

After long long hours, the Millers arrived in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania. They rented a small cheap house, and once they entered they went straight to bed. And in about 10-15 minutes they are all sound asleep. Every day in one whole week Mrs. and Mr.Miller planned something to do for each day, except for the last two days they spent relaxing and enjoying the simple things about the town. But out of all the places they visited in that town and all the things they did, Naiomi's favorite part of the trip was meeting "The Boy". It happened on their first day and Mrs.Miller decided to bake cupcakes for her neighbors. Mrs. Miller and Naiomi went to the last house a blue house, they knocked on the door, and "the boy" opens the door, "the boy" and Naiomi had this moment, she felt something that she never felt, they both stared at each other for a whole minute, but of course, the staring contest had to end. Mrs. Miller gave the cupcakes while greeting him and introducing her and Naiomi to "the boy". Naiomi was caught up with his smile that made her smile as well but in a way where she wants to hide it but can't, his wavy hair that made her legs shake, his brown eyes that made her heart motioning into places, his cute face that made her subconscious mind not functioning at all. Naiomi was so unconscious that she, unfortunately, wasn't able to hear the boy's name. Mrs.Miller softly punched Naiomi with her elbow to her arm, making Naiomi finally conscious of her surroundings.

"Nai Nai, say hi to your neighbor", Mrs.Miller said with two small giggles on the side, and with the face, every mom makes when they see a cute boy.

"Umm...yeah...sorry about that.................neighbor...anyways...I hope you enjoy the cupcakes we made, and I hope you have a delightful evening tonight", Naiomi said with long-dead silence before she can think of how to address him

"Hi Naiomi, I appreciate your greeting, I too also hope you have a great evening", said, "the boy" with his charming voice.

Naiomi was so annoyed and shamed at herself for not knowing his name, because now she can't stalk him somewhere on Instagram or Facebook, and find a way to contact him, she could have simply asked her mom, but was too embarrassed to ask, she didn't want to make her parents think she liked the boy.

Naiomi ran into her room and started screaming placidly without being concerned whether people can hear her or not. She never felt so embarrassed and humiliated with her actions.

The whole trip "the boy" was all she "can think of and During the rest of her vacation. Sadly every time he would pass by her, he would wave or say hi, but Naiomi ignored him and pretended he isn't there.

She went back home and told her best friend Jada Maxwell. Jada is the only person Naiomi opens up too because she respects the things she says. Jada is as perfect as Naiomi; smart and loving personality, the only thing is that she's not as appreciated as Naiomi. That's why Jada loved being around Naiomi because she felt appreciated around her.

While Naiomi was explaining how she felt, she still feels the things she felt with his presence, except he was absent as she talks; she feels her legs shake, feel her lips slowly moving upward, and can feel heart-pounding each second. It was like she was still there with him.

"I shall brainwash my brain with some sort of magic, come on Jada smash my brains into Pisces ", Naiomi said to Jada while she makes a face like she's about to cry, but isn't.

"No", said Jada

"But why don't you think it would be a GREAT GREAT IDEA", Naiomi said excitedly and mirthlessly.

" 1 it's a stoopid idea 2 it's gross and disgusting 3 I am lazy", Jada said nicely and straightforward to Naiomi.

"Okay, what I mean is I want to ignore his existence on this Earth. Like I seriously think if I don't ignore this I would be caught driving a car going there I MIGHT END UP ON THE NEWS, quote "Naiomi Miller a 13 yrs Old Child Driving From Alabama to Pennsylvania" ", Naiomi replied

"Good point and nice title, honestly I would start watching the news if things like that keep coming up on my t.v", Jada said with irony, "okay, but seriously, you can't hide and keep your feelings like that it's not healthy"

" would watch the news you say eh?? I guess this plan is beneficial to us both", Naiomi said

And they both laughed.

Every summer vacation they would go there, Naiomi would always try and find "the boy", but never found him, because every year the house was taken by some kind of family. Naiomi was soo mad she started screaming and shouting on her pillow so no one can hear. She always thought that she can handle everything like her grades, life choices, her problems, and just everything, but this one tiny small feeling she can't handle.

Every year she regretted not talking to him.

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