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Jimin's anxiety was playing colours today. He didn't take time to analyse if the person before him even accepted his apology. He instantly stopped chattering as he felt a soft tender finger over his top lip.

Jungkook's hazel-brown eyes stared at the perfectly sculpted face before him. Those perfect plump lips with a tint of pink hue that pouted oh so beautifully. Those dark-brown orbs that stared back at him with so much innocence. Jungkook felt butterflies in his tummy as Jimin tried to move his lips against his finger to speak up.

A soft chuckle escaped out of Jungkook's thin rosy lips as he observed Jimin blush and smile back.

I wish his lips were on my lips.

WHISPER | JIKOOK [COMPLETED]✓Where stories live. Discover now