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"Really!" Jimin asked in a bored tone." That's your explanation for flirting".

"Jimin-ah, whose side are you?" Tae asked, furrowing his brows.

"Of course, I am on your side".

Tae nodded in relief.

"Until I heard your explanation". Tae's jaw dropped.


"OK, Kim taehyung! I m done with your childish behaviour, immediately call hobi hyung and tell him that you are in the dorm. Oh my god! how worried he will be? You left him alone at the restaurant".

The silver-haired opened his mouth to tell something. But Jimin cut him off. " Call now", he demanded.

The latter gulped, before quickly dialling the number.

Angry jimin is scarier than angry tae.

WHISPER | JIKOOK [COMPLETED]✓Where stories live. Discover now