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Jungkook's pov

"How is he?" I asked holding both arms of yoongi as he came out of the room.

"He just woke up and looked well...um..fine to me". He said as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Oh ok" I was relieved.

"If you are that concerned, why dont just go meet him?".

"I cant, its my fault he is in there ". I replied in guilt.

"Well, that was just a game. We weren't paying attention , its our fault." He patted my back before walking away.

He stopped in his tracks and turned back.

"Also, dont forget to tell him that it was you, who carried him to the infirmary, like a crazy boyfriend, who thought he lost his lover". Yoongi waved his hand as he walked away.

I felt my cheeks burn as I hear the word " boyfriend".

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