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Author's pov

Jungkook and jimin went inside the house. They went upstairs towards one of the rooms. They smashed their lips together. Jungkook was leaving sloppy kisses over jimin's neck trying to unlock the doorknob with one hand and other hand over jimin's nape.


The door opened and they broke their  kiss. Jungkook suddenly placed a hand over jimin's eyes.

Hoseok was fucking taehyung recklessly.

"I HATE YOU PARK FUCKING JIMINNNN!!". Taehyung threw a pillow at them.

"Oops". Jungkook immediately shut the door and carried Jimin to another room.

(A/n:- Thank you for giving this book so much love. I am not writing on this account anymore. If you are still interested in reading works written by then you can visit me on another account. Click below 👇)


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