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Jimin's pov

They left after inviting us. Well, It wasn't exactly an invitation though.

"I heard the entire class was invited to that party", Hosoek spoke up first.

" T..then, why invite me in person". I asked while biting my nails and tapping my foot.

"Isn't it obvious, she wants to kill you at the party?". Hoseok said with a straight face.

I jumped over to Taehung's lap, "K...Kill me", I asked in a complete shock.

" Yah! Stop scaring the kid". Tae hit him on the arm. Hosoek burst into laughter and I just chuckled with nervousness.

What if she was really planning to kill me? I gulped .

WHISPER | JIKOOK [COMPLETED]✓Where stories live. Discover now