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Hort sat at the edge of the garden under a large oak tree with a half empty bottle of cider in his hands. Truth be told he was trying to avoid as many people as possible. The number of people left to be interviewed was getting shorter by the day, meaning he would be forced to face the detectives sooner rather than later. He didn't really have a great track record with cops, he just prayed that this specific one could not remember. Hort was also trying to keep his distance from Kei, who has supposedly been searching for him since his interview. The pair had known each other for longer than they cared to remember, but that did not mean they got along. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Kei and Hort could hardly spend five minutes together, without shouting or threatening one another, and recent events had only made things worse. 

"Rogers!" A voice yelled from across the garden. Only one person called him that anymore. Hort looked up and groaned to himself.

"I thought we agreed to keep our distance, Fox." As Kei got closer, Hort noticed a folded newspaper clasped in his hands. 

"Have you seen his?" Kei threw the paper into Hort's lap before pulling a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. 

On the front page it read in big bold letters,

'Yara Winters appeal begins in London'

and underneath was a black and white picture of the girl in question. Hort couldn't help but feel sorry for her, she looked tired and beaten down, far worse than the last time he saw her. It appeared as if she had finally given up hope. After five years, he would too.  

"Is that why he's here? To make sure no ones gonna fink on him."   

Hort rolled his eyes and took another swig of his drink as Kei lit his cigarette with unsteady hands. "We both know why Rafal's here and it has nothing to do with Yara."

"But she's here too. The same cop."

"Yeah, I had noticed." Hort said sarcastically. He had never seen Kei this nervous before,  but he did not have the patience for it. He got up to leave before Kei grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back. 

"If Winters gets off then the finger will point to Sophie again."

"Rafal wont let that happen." 

"You sure?" 

Kei had always been good at burying a seed of doubt in Hort's mind. This was how he had been tricked and manipulated into a wide range of things in the past. "In case you haven't realised she's already suspected of one murder. I'm gonna do everything  I can to prove she is innocent and if your stupid little scenario ever comes around I will deal with it then." Hort snapped, resisting the urge to throw his bottle at Kei's head. 

This is why they couldn't get along they both knew which buttons to press to annoy the other and would always push it too far. 

"She'll never love you, y'know. Not like she loved him." Kei's nervous demeanour had fallen away as he indulged in his favourite pastime, pissing off Hort.

Before he could process what he was doing, Hort had Kei pinned against a tree, his hands clinging to the collar of his shirt. It was Hort's short temper that had made him perfect for Rafal, but that wasn't what he wanted anymore. Hort tried to put everything behind him, which is why he hated seeing Kei, because it only brought everything back. 

Hort quickly pulled away, putting at least ten feet between them. "What do you want Kei?" 

"I want Rhian's killer. And I think Rafal knows who it is."

Hort was about to question Kei's sanity until he realised the look on his face "You've already organised a bloody meeting haven't you."

Kei nodded.

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