Thin air

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Agatha couldn't sleep. It was around 3 am and she was perched on the narrow window seat at the end of the hallway, staring out at the crescent moon. While she was out with Tedros she managed to forget about everything happening and for a few hours at least it felt like their life back in London. No looked at them with suspicion, they were unimportant, they were normal.
However when they returned everything came crashing down on her as the couple were forced back into reality. Now Agatha felt nothing but guilt. She had promised to clear Sophie's name and yet she had gone out to enjoy herself. She sighed and pulled her woolen blanket tighter around her shoulders.
Too deep in thought, Agatha didn't notice the sound of a door opening behind her.
"Couldn't sleep?"
Startled, Agatha spun around to see Beatrix walking up to her, wrapped in one of Reena's scarfs.
"Are you trying to tell me normal people aren't awake at 3 am?"
Beatrix laughed quietly to herself and went to sit beside Agatha as she shifted around to give her more space. 
"Reena was snoring. I love her but I'm honestly questioning if I love her more than my sleep."
It was Agatha's turn to laugh. Kiko and Agatha had placed bets a long time ago on when Reena and Beatrix would finally get together. Much to Agatha's annoyance, Kiko won after Beatrix got a bit too jealous of a dark haired boy flirting with Reena at a cafe.
"So, do you want me to go on about Reena or are we gonna talk about this. Keep in mind I can talk about Reena until the sun comes up, probably longer."
"And what is this?"
Even in the dim moonlight, Agatha could see Beatrix's look as if to say really. Admittedly Beatrix knew it would take more than that to get anything out of Agatha, it always took a lot to get her to talk especially about something like this.
"You've managed to get people out of situations ten times worse than this. We both know it."
Agatha stayed silent for a moment. She thought about waiting to see if Beatrix would leave but Beatrix's stubbornness could rival her own. Eventually she looked up at her friend. "I didn't get Yara out."
At that moment Beatrix felt her heart drop. She heard the news, of course she had, but she had been desperately trying to keep it from Agatha. Agatha had worked tirelessly to prove Yara was innocent, spending months buried in books and analysing cases but at the end of the day she couldn't compete with the professionals, at least not when half the court had been bribed. Beatrix tried to think of something that she could say to comfort Agatha but nothing would work. But then she got an idea. "Come on." She pulled Agatha to her feet and started dragging her down the hall way.
"Bea, it's the middle of the night where are we going?"
Beatrix ignored the question and started thinking out loud. "We're going to need so pens, paper, some more blankets and no doubt this place still uses candles so we'll need a few of them."
They reached the bottom of the stairs and Agatha finally managed to bring them to a halt. "Beatrix what are you doing?" 

"Back at home you always say you work better outside so we are getting what we need to work outside and not freeze to death."

"Work? What do you mean?" Agatha was still completely lost. What was going through the blondes head. 

"We're going to figure out how to prove Sophie is innocent." Agatha's brow furrowed, Beatrix and Sophie couldn't stand each other she would even go as far as to say they hated each other, so why would she help her? "Five years ago someone framed Yara I wont let that happen to anyone else even if that someone is Sophie." 

A sad smile tugged at Agatha's lips, Evers always worked better when they were together and she was glad to have her friends here with her now. "There should be some blankets in the living room and I'll get some torches from the Kitchen." As Agatha started to walk away she heard Beatrix call after her "When you say torches?" 

"Electric torches you idiot." 


Time went past and much to Agatha's surprise Beatrix not only stayed awake but also helped. However the problem still remained, Sophie was alone at the time of the murder, so no one could prove her innocent. 

With a loud sigh Beatrix fell backwards onto the blankets and looked up at the sunrise. Streaks of pink, gold and blue painted the sky and for a few brief seconds she felt calm. That is until a loud profanity echoed across the garden. "Urgh, what now?"  She pulled herself up into a sitting position and looked at Agatha who had he nose buried in a book. 

"It wasn't me." Agatha defended before getting to her feet, followed by Beatrix still wrapped in Reena's scarf. 

As they approached the gravel path they caught sight of a very exhausted Kei getting back on his feet. "Tripping over thin air are we now Foxx?" 

"Beatrix," Agatha warned quiet enough for only the girl in question to hear, the last thing they needed was to make an enemy of Kei. He was desperately looking for someone to blame and would probably turn on anyone and everyone within the large manor house. 

"I just got back from a run, I must have tripped over something." As he turned to look back down the path she could tell Beatrix was trying to holdback a reply. The three of them walked a few paces until Agatha caught sight of a scuff in the gravel where Kei's shoe must have dug in. She was about to steal Beatrix's chance to state that Kei did in fact fall over thin air, when she noticed something. A red cloth was buried under the small stones. 

"Kei! I think I found the culprit. It must of got caught of your shoe." The mechanic walked over to her and pulled on the material. Stones fell away to reveal more of the mysterious fabric, but as they did Agatha froze and all he colour drained from Kei's face. 

"Is that?" Beatrix managed to chock out.


"Rhian's Blood."  Kei clarified. He had pulled out the sleeve of a white dinner shirt, stained in Rhian's blood. He pulled out the rest of the shirt from under the gravel in an attempt to identify it when an object fell to the ground, the sound of metal colliding with stones made everyone's heart drop. 

"Go and get the detectives, now!" Agatha ordered and Kei went sprinting into the manor, towards the study.  

The two that remained were silent. It was one thing to find a bloody shirt but to find the gun too, was a completely different matter. 

A/n: Sorry for the late update, Wattpad wouldn't let me edit things on my laptop for some reason. Every time I clicked my stories it just took me to the home, but it is working now.  

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