The Night before

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24 hours prior

"So, when presented with the choice to a) stay home with me, your incredible fiancé who you aren't going to see for a week after tomorrow, or b) go to see Sophie and him," Tedros all but spat the later with a venomous tone, refusing to call him by name. "Why on earth did you choose to see them?!?" his grip on the steering wheel tightened, his knuckles turning white. In truth, he wasn't angry at Agatha, not really, he understood that she only wanted to see her friend but the idea of seeing Rhian in his father's home again, spending his father's money, flaunting his father's name made his stomach churn and his blood boil.

"Tedros, I told you that you didn't need to come. Anyway I've turned her down too many times and if she finds out I'm going to see the Evers before I see her she'll lose it."

Agatha was absentmindedly picking at a lose stitch on her cigarette pants. It was inevitable that this evening would end with countless arguments, it always did when the Pendragons got together. Hell, Sophie and Rhian started enough themselves, they didn't need Tedros there. He merely added fuel to the fire (which he shamelessly enjoyed as long as he was not a victim).

Why couldn't I have just offered to go for coffee with Sophie, Agatha thought. She always loved to go out into the public eye and away from Rhian. So, why did she suggest a private dinner?

The immaculate Jaguar pulled into the familiar gravel driveway and towards the manor house. Standing at the top of the polished stone steps was a very fashionable, made up Sophie. Her blonde curls were held in pace with what must be a whole bottle of hair lacquer, her dusty rose evening gown, matching heels and painted lips made her look like someone straight out of a magazine.

She ran down to the passenger side of the car, hardly giving her best friend time to open the door before pulling her into an embrace.

"Oh, Aggie, it's been too long!" It instantly became apparent to Agatha that Sophie did not want to go inside. Normally she would pull her inside to show her the latest adjustments or redesign she had made to the house, a new walk in wardrobe, a redecorated bedroom or even just some new drapes in a hallway. But this time she was clinging on to Agatha, waiting for Tedros and her eyes kept darting towards the gate. "Teddy, how are you? Taking care of Agatha I hope."

Before he could reply a sly voice came from the front door. "Sophie!" Her smile faltered for the briefest of moments and that's when Agatha knew exactly what was going on.

He was here.

"Japeth, I was just greeting our guests." Sophie didn't turn to look at the paler twin, instead still focusing on the gates.

"Rhian needs you to sign some papers." His voice was venomous as always, it was clear he was not pleased with tonight's plans either.

"Surely it can wait until our guests have left." Sophie suggested, sounding desperate to not be left alone with him. She leaned in as close as she could get to Agatha, "I can't do this much longer. I can't bare it Aggie."


"I'm going! You can wait for Kei and Hort." Her posh accent dropped momentarily revealing a glimpse of her life before luxury. Just as quickly as her persona was gone, it had returned.

It always made Agatha uneasy about how easily her friend could slip between personalities. It was like she had lived a hundred lives in only 24 years.


Fifteen minutes into the meal Kei stormed out following accusations from Japeth. The main course came with an outburst from Hort and Sophie throwing half her food over Rhian after he 'criticised' her outfit choice. By the time desert arrived Rhian had gone to find Kei, Sophie exited in the most dramatic way possible, with Hort close behind and Agatha had to pull Tedros from the room after Japeth insulted Arthur.

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