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I got home after school and saw that my moms car wasn't in the driveway. "She must be at the store" I thought to myself. I then felt my phone vibrate against my leg and picked it up and answered the call. "Hello" I said to the person on the other line "she-she what" I started to stutter. On the other line there was a woman and she had just told me that my mom had died in a car crash, she said that there was a drunk man and he was driving on the wrong side of the road my mom didn't see him and ran into him and it killed her but not him. I apparently had gotten everything from her but she was my only parent left and k didn't want to go to my grandparents or anywhere else then I might have to move yet again. So to not get taken away I told the woman that I could take care of myself and didn't need to go into foster care I ran into the house and collapsed onto the floor in tears there was only one person who could help me right now so I pulled my phone back out and went onto the FaceTime app and called my best friend Ava luckily she answered pretty quickly.

"Woah boo your face is not looking right what's up where people thee bullying you if so they are dead" she said jokingly pulling out her scissors and cutting the air.

"No worse" I told her the whole story and after I finished she just sat there shocked.

Finally after what seemed like forever she looked at me sadly "so what are you going to do you cant go into foster care you hate that and your grandparents won't take you" she said.

"I'm not moving again I'm just going to live in this house until it goes up for sale then I guess I'll be homeless.

"Oh boo lets talk about something happy what about school something good had to have happened there" she looked at me through her phone with a worried look "your day couldn't have been so bad that nothing good happened."

"Well I met three guys at my bus stop and I have every class with one of them" I said starting to smile thinking of Sam.

"Name age are they available and hotness" she said almost instantly making me laugh, that is why she is my friend she can always make me laugh.

"Ok so there where three of them one who looked about a year younger than us his name was trevor one that looked about a year older than us and his name was jc and one who looked our age his name was Sam" I started to smile and blush a bit at sam's name.

Ava froze up for a second at Jc's name then smirked at me "it looks like someone has a crush"

"Shut up and let me finish Sam is really hot he is a 13 on the scale (1-10) trevor is a 8 and jc is a 9. Sam is single bit I don't know about the other two I think trevor is single and jc is taken. Oh and San called me cute and winked at me then he sat next to me in the bus" I said all in one breath then I sat there for a bit panting as she processed what I said.

"Omg I need pictures like now" she said "oh and a 13 really that is a pretty big number for a pretty big crush"

"Boo I'm way ahead of you I've already sent the pictures trevor is the first one then Sam then jc" I blushed more at her mention of crushes because I may have a small crush on Sam. "at least I can talk to my crushes instead of going ummmmm sweet potato like you do" I looked at her with a smirk

"Ok so you admit to having a crush on Sam" it was her turn to smirk now.

"Ugh you know me too well and i hate you for it sometimes" I groaned because if Ava knows who you like she never shuts up about it like never.

"I know boo and you will never hear the end of it" she then picked up her phone and put it on the other side of her room "this lighting is better over here" she then stated.

"Of course lighting matters to you even though I'm your best friend" i smiled then started to laugh "gtg I have school work and I need to get the stuff that my mom gave me in her will" I waved to her then hung up. I then ran upstairs to get some more comfortable clothes on. After I put on my outfit ( http://www.polyvore.com/m/set?.embedder=13570833&.svc=copypaste&id=151400288 ) and go outside and start the walk to the court house. On my way I see jc penny boarding around "please don't see me, please don't see me" I thought to myself but of course he saw me.

He started running over to me when he made it over he looked at me "hey Emmy where are you going?"

"Courthouse" I mumbled quickly praying he wouldn't ask why but yet again my prayers weren't answered and he asked.

"Why are you going to the courthouse did your mom kill someone and you need to keep her out of jail" he said jokingly.


"Then why are you going" he looked at me confused.

"My mom she passed away in a car crash today and I need to go to court to see where I go" I look down at my feet and try to keep myself from crying.

"So you might move again" he said more to himself than anyone else. Then he quickly said "wait here don't move or go to the courthouse till I get back" he looked at me with a stern look.


Sam's POV

I was sitting in my room waiting for dinner then I heard jc calling for me and trevor "what now" I groaned as I walked downstairs. Jc waited for trevor then filled us in on what was going on. "her mom what and so now she is what?!" I felt so bad for her

"So I'm going to the courthouse with her to see if she can stay here" jc finished ignoring what I said.

I'm coming with you" I stated then I went outside and looked for Emmy. She wasn't that hard to find and when I did find her I went over and stood by her."im sorry about what happened to you" I looked at her and noticed that she was crying I hate seeing her cry she is too beautiful to cry.

"It's fine I just don't want to be put in foster care, not again" she said in that cute voice of hers

I was about to say something but then trevor and jc came running over to us "sorry had to break you two love birds up we need to go" he smirked at me sometimes I really hate him but he was right we had to go.

Once we arrived at the courthouse Emmy looked really nervous so I pulled her off to the side "Emmy you have nothing to worry about we will get you with us and not some foster home I promise" I looked her straight in the eyes as I said it.

She then looked up timidly at me and mumbled "but what if you cant I don't want another foster family I want to stay in a home for more than a few weeks"

I looked at her and grabbed her hands "we can and will I promise and when I promise something I never break it" I then pulled her back with the guys still holding her hand because it calmed me down as much as her. A lady who looked like she was 70 called out "Emmy butler!!" So we went into the room. Emmy told the judge about her life and how she wanted to stay with us then jc told the judge how good of care we would take her and then we had to wait. it was the longest wait of my life. I don't know why this was so important to me but at that time it was the most important time of my life Emmy had to live with us she just had to. After what seemed like an eternity the woman called jc into a room he soon came back out holding papers in his hand smiling. "what happened is she staying with us" I instantly said.

"Calm down Sam she is the judge thought that I would take good care of her and be a good role model e was also impressed that I felt with you two" he smiled

I looked at Emmy she looked like she ws over the moon and I was so happy for her I couldn't wait to move her into our house.

thanks for reading this chapter it is one of the longer ones because I just really wanted to write a lot today I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Mr. Perfect. Sam PottoroffWhere stories live. Discover now