The surprise

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Emmy's POV
Me and Sam walked home holding hands and I was smiling from ear to ear. For some reason we stopped at the store and got ear plugs I guess Jc asked Sam to get some for a concerts or something. When we got home Sam kissed me and told me to wait out here for about a minute then went inside.

"1 2 3 4 5" I counted up until I got to 60 then went inside. When I got in it was empty until all the guys walked out and yelled "SURPRISE"

I was confused at first until I saw two people walk out of the kitchen "ARIAL TAYLOR" I squealed then ran up to Arial and gave her the biggest hug ever "oh my god I can't believe it's you aren't you on tour with PATD and FOB?"

"We have a concert tonight here in LA and of course I had to see you" she said beaming.

A few hours later

Zoe was the first one done with her hair and makeup for the concert so she left my room before me and Ariel so that have me a chance to talk to her.

"Hey Arial can we talk for a bit" I asked

"Yeah no prob what's up" she said putting eyeliner on.

"It's about Sam and i" I said hesitantly

"WHAT DID THAT ASS HOLE DO I WILL KILL HIM" she stopped putting on her makeup and turned to look at me.

"No no no no no don't kill him he did t do anything bad it's just that I don't think Jc likes us being together like at all and I don't know what to do" I said as I finished getting ready "he's like my brother ya know he has pretty much taken the place of" I paused for a second "my mom" I started to tear up thinking of her

"Oh boo don't cry your makeup is going to run" she hugged me that's why I love arial she always knows how to cheer me up "and about Jc when and if he mentions it just tell him that you love each other or something like that" she finished getting ready "lets go to the concert then after we can go to the mall"

"Ok" then we left for the concert. I rode with Sam and Jc which was kind of awkward. Jc made me sit in front and almost ignored Sam entirely which wasn't normal and I felt bad almost like it was my fault for liking and dating Sam. After what felt like a million years we got to the place where the concert was. As soon as I got out of the car Sam grabbed my hand and Jc looked at him like he was about to kill him. I got pissed at Jc so I leaned over to Sam and passionately kissed him. Jc just kept walking inside with me and Sam following then we Waited in our seats for the concert to start.

Sam looked at me "What do we do about Jc?"

"I think I know but for now let's enjoy the concert" I said kissing his cheek and holding his hand.

Jc then looked at me and said "of all of the guys you had to pick Sam the one I know is a player" and I was prepared with a response.

I looked back at him "because I love Sam and he loves me I've been through some shit in my life that isn't the best and he understands that and he knows how to make me happy and laugh when I'm sad I know you don't approve and I understand why but We are kids and kids make mistakes sometimes and regret a lot of them I've made mistakes you've made mistakes Sam has just made mor mistakes than other people if I thought he would be a bad boyfriend"

He froze for a second "you don't know him the way I do I don't 100% approve of this relationship and when it ends and you are sitting crying in your room" he pointed to me "I will be ready with an I told you so. And Sam I will be watching you"

I smiled "I knew you'd come around Jc" I looked back at Sam and we kissed. "I love you Sam"


Author's note

Hiiiiiiiiiiii I hope you like this chapter I might post a lot more tonight and Friday but I won't be posting in the week because I'll be in Florida but tonight and Friday I will be driving there and back so when I'm not reading or watching Harry Potter I will be writing and listening to music. If you would like to read this story in arial's (emmy's best friend if you hadn't gotten the memo already) point of view then go read puppylover_200221 story He's Perfect it's pretty good btw I'm starting to get some writers block so if you have any good ideas I would be happy to hear about them in the comments love you guys bye *kiss kiss*

- unicorn god that other unicorns bow down to because she is the god

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