The Evil Within

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In the dim light of Chaldea's halls during the night time, Gilgamesh paced wearily. Heroic spirit though he may be, his past life and traumas haunted him much like any other.

It was then that he began to sing in his native tongue.

Gilgamesh: "Shima inni! Eṭlūtu! Shima inni ia ashi! Shima inni! Shibuut āli rapshi Uruk. Shima inni ia ashi! Ana ku ana Enkidu! Enkidu! Ibriia abakki! Kīma lallariti, únambar ṣarpish..."

Da Vinci could hear the king from her workshop as he sang of his past grief. Despite how prideful the king was and despite the unimaginable power he held. He was still, at one point, a man. Child of a god or otherwise, even the strongest heroes had traumas they could never let go of.

She walked out and saw Gilgamesh leaning against his bedroom door, a solemn expression plastered across his face.

She headed to the cafeteria quietly and made both herself and Gilgamesh some coffee. She then walked back to the hallway and tapped his shoulder. Gilgamesh turned slowly and saw her outstretched hand with the coffee mug in her hand.

Saying nothing, she invited him into the workshop. He was in a good mood, so he obliged and took a seat at her desk.

Da Vinci: "That song was beautiful, King Gilgamesh."

Gilgamesh: "Indeed. It was a song written in the time of mourning for my friend."

Da Vinci: "Enkidu. The weapon of the gods. The chain of heaven made to bind you to the gods."

Gilgamesh: "Indeed. By far the greatest treasure I ever possessed and nothing shall replace it."

Da Vinci nodded before sipping her coffee slowly. Normally Gilgamesh would berate her for attempting to give him anything other than the finest drinks possible, however he wasn't in the mood for his usual pride.

He also had a bit of a sweet spot for tea and coffee, Abzu forbid if Ishtar ever found out.

Gilgamesh: "... I find myself surprised. I never would have painted you for the empathetic type."

Da Vinci: "I've had my fair share of struggles as well, your highness. Though your connection to Enkidu is rather remarkable. You two were inseparable, like a married couple."

Gilgamesh chuckled as he sipped his coffee.

Gilgamesh: "Enkidu and I were joined as brothers. My mother accepted him as her son after all. Clay though he may have been moulded from, my brother he always shall be."

Da Vinci: "I thought they had no gender."

Gilgamesh: "Perhaps at one time he did. However he accepted that he was my brother under my mother, Ninsun. So I refer to him as male."

Da Vinci: "Huh. Fair enough."

Gilgamesh looked to his right hand where he had cradled Enkidu's head in his final moments

Gilgamesh: "Enkidu... Ibriia abakki."

Meanwhile back in London, Y/n felt his arm tense up. He placed his hand over his wrist to calm it down as he stood across from Lartoria Alter.

Lalter: "Putting this as simply as I possibly can. You are to be my new master."

Y/n: "I see. I shall accept that position only when we have returned to Chaldea. Sakura needs you now, Lalter."

Lalter was clearly unimpressed by his response and she held him by the collar while leaning in so their faces were mere inches apart.

Lalter: "I shall not accept no for an answer."

Fate/Grand Shenanigans: Fog of LondonWhere stories live. Discover now