Possesive Anirudh

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Anirudh got decked up in s black turtle neck sweat shirt and black pants. He wore his watch and got ready . He was looking smoking hot in black. He smirked to himself about how bondita will find him more handsome than Ben. 😆😆😆😆. Suddenly getting back to his senses, "What am I thinking ? I should leave before I get more late. Why I wanted me to look more handsome than Ben. I just dont understand. Ughhhhhhhh! 😫😫😫😫😫😫. " Ani left towards bonditas place for dinner .
Anis look

Here bondita still confused that what she's gonna wear

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Here bondita still confused that what she's gonna wear. She wanted to wear something special and look beautiful today just for her biristra babu. Eventually after all the conflict she settled on a black dress and long ankle boots.

 Eventually after all the conflict she settled on a black dress and long ankle boots

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Ariel and Ben will come together in a while. Anirudh was also coming.
Bondita completed her look with light makeup but her hands were not reaching the chain on her back. She was struggling with the chain . "Ughhhhhh . I hate it. Even Arry is not here to help me. How will I zip it up. Sakha babu and Ben will also be coming anytime " , said a frustrated bondita to herself. Suddenly the room blacked out as power supply got cut. "Why are all the problems coming today only? ", screamed bondi. There was a slight sound of door opening and she thought that its Ariel. "Thank god Arry u came. See na my zip is stuck and I m not able to zip it. Please zip it for me , Sakha babu and Ben cant see me like this. Common yaar do it fast", said bondita in a single breath.
I reached bonditas house and when I entered the hall suddenly there was a power cut.I started looking for bondita in dark , I reached some room and held it open as I heard voices from there and assumed its bondita.There bondita thought of me as Ariel and said something about zipping her dress from back . She wasn't aware that it's me anirudh.
End of POV
"Common Arry whats taking u so long? Just do it fast and then we will go downstairs. Sakha babu and ben must have come. "
I didn't know what to say. Suddenly the lights come back . "Thank god the light is back .Common Ar - r!!! O my goodness!!!😲😲😲😲 Sakha babu what are u doing here?", screamed a visibly shocked bondita. " I am so sorry bondita but I swear I got lost in the dark and stumbled into your room . I had no other intention. " ,said ani. " o shit the zip is still open , murmured bondita to herself blushing slightly😳😳😳😳. "Sakha Babu it's okay. I know you . I dont know what to do , my zip is stuck and Ariel is still not here. Ben would also be here any minute. What will I do? . How will i leave the room?. ",said a very tensed bondita. " Bondita if it's okay with you, can I zip it up. I will not look . I ll close my eyes, I promise" said Ani. Bondita smiled at his innocence 🙂🙂🙂🙂. "Okay Sakha babu I trust you. " .Saying this bondita turned her back towards Anirudh. Anirudh still with closed eyes traced his hands through the dress to find the zipper. Unintentionally his hands touched Bonditas bear back. A current flowed through Anirudh and bondita stiffened under his feathery touch. 🥰🥰🥰🥰. She gasped at the contact. She felt strange but good.Slowly Aniruddh zipped her chain and opened his eyes slowly. Ani gasped at the beauty infront of him .🤩🤩😍😍😍😍😍. He was mesmerized to see his young bondita turned into a gorgeous young woman with full grown red lips, seductive curves and enchanting eyes. He was just staring at her through the mirror completely lost in her, his hands resting on her shoulders. Bondi opened her eyes slowly and was stuck to how good they looked together on the mirror. Anirudh involuntarily moved close to bondita and whispered a small "BEAUTIFUL " in her ear and unknowingly left a small kiss on her right earlobe.😘😘😘😘🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵.Bondita gasped at his touch and clenched her off shoulder dress in her fist tightly. Ani slowly turned her around and hugged her tightly to his chest. 😍😍😍😍😍
"Thank you sakha babu . They stayed in each others embrace.By the way you are looking very handsome too.",said bondita still hugging Anirudh.
"Bondiiiiiii where are you ? " came the voice of Ben from outside. Anidita quickly pulled back, suddenly feeling awkward.
"Cominggggg" , screamed bondii." Sakha babu u also come out fast" Bondita left without looking at anirudh , visibly awkward and flustered. Anirudh took a deep breath and scolded himself for crossing the limits. He made sure to keep a safe distance from bondita. He didn't knew what happens to him around bondita. 😄😄😄😄😄. Smacking his head he went out. But the sight outside left him more angry. Ben had picked bondita up from ground and was spinning her around, "you look damn awesome girl. I think I am about to faint " ." Bennnnnn put me down. " ,screamed bondita. Meanwhile anirudh 😡😡😡😡😤😤😤😡😡. "Why his he always so close to my bondita?", murmured a very furious Ani to himself. "Sakha Babu come na I want you to meet Ben". Bondita introduced the two but Ani was just looking at Ben in a murderous glare😡😡😡😡. "I am Ben . Bondis best buddy and u ?" . " Anirudh roy CHAUDHARY. Bonditas most closest friend and confidant", said Anirudh with a strange possession in his voice towards Bondita. Bondita looked at him amused . "What has happened to sakha babu today? " ,murmured bondita to herself. Bondita introduced Ani properly to Ben and Ben was amused to see that how lovingly Bondita recalls her memories with Anirudh. Indeed he felt that there will be no one's place in Bondis heart other than Anirudh. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰. Anirudh was lovingly gazing at his wife and smiling in satisfaction recalling their journey. ❤❤❤❤.
Ariel was stuck in some work, so she couldn't make it. Ben realised that both Anirudh and bondita loved each other but weren't able to understand. He wanted to make his bondi happy and he knew her happiness lies in Ani , so he thought of doing something mischievous in order to push Anirudhs feelings.😏😏😏😏😏.
"Ok guys now let's have dinner. We don't want to spend the night in the hall na , so come" , said Ben deliberately wrapping his arms around bonditas bare shoulders. He smirked. Ani was fuming , he wanted to rip his hands off.😡😡😡😡😤😤😤. Moving towards the dining hall , he cracked some joke in bonditas ear and bondi smiled.🙂🙂. This has Anirudh turned into a lava mountain by now. 😡😡😡😡.
"Why is bondita allowing him to be so near? Can't she see that I don't like it a bit.But why will she stop him, maybe she likes this boy. 😥😥. Why would she choose a man 10 years older to her as her life partner. Bondita was my responsibility , which is completed now. If she loves that boy I will let her go with him" ,said a heartbroken Ani to himself.😭😭😭😭😭😭. The dinner went quietly without Ani talking much with Ben and Bondita. Bondita was very confused that why Anirudhs mood is off. After the dinner Ben bid them goodbye and left but not before giving bondita a tight hug which left anirudh furious beyond limits.😡😡😡😡😡 Bondita turned to Anirudh and asked him, "Sakha babu why are you so quiet? U didn't talk during dinner also . What would have Ben thought? That you are so moody , strict and stern ? U r not like this sakha babu. Ben must have felt so ba-a-d-d."Bondita suddenly noticed Anis eyes going red ,that's why she stuttered with the last part. 😡😡. He was angry.Within no time Anirudh pinned bondita to the wall near her and held her waist and pulled her closer.

Bondita was shocked

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Bondita was shocked. 😮😮😮

😮Anirudh in a husky tone near bonditas face said, " U only care about what Ben thinks, how Ben feels, what Ben talks. What about me bondita? Who am I to you? Do u care about how I feel, what I think, what I speak? Nooo absolutely not bondita because these years definitely changed the people who are your priority now. I don't even know why I am feeling so sad. My responsibility towards u has ended and I am very proud and happy that you fulfilled our dream . Now it's your time to choose what is best for you. I release you from all my cords. You are free to do whatever you want now. I will always be there for u whenever you need me , as a friend bondita. Tomorrow we will leave for India. Then you can go your way and do as you wish and what you love. "."What are you saying sakha babu?How did u even think that I changed my priorities? U know nothing how I lived all these years without you. How I craved for u , how I missed u and how I cried for u. You just judged me out of the reason which even I don't know. Just remember one thing Mr ANIRUDH ROY CHAUDHARY , u were, u are and u will always be my priority. Nothing can change it. I don't understand why you assumpt things out of nowhere. And yes I will be ready tomorrow morning. U dont need to worry much about me now. As you said once we reach India you will be on your own way and me on my own. After all I am just a responsibility which you fulfilled. Thanks for that barrister babu", said a visibly hurt and teary eyed bondita.😢😢😢😢😢🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁. Her words had a strong effect on Anirudh. Bondita tried to free herself from his grip and finally released herself. Without sparing a second glance to Ani ,she left from there. Anirudh also left from there with bonditas words booming in his ears, "u were ,u are and u will always be my first priority. I will leave on my own way once we reach india." These words were piercing Anis heart. His heart was crying. 🙁🙁🙁😭😭😭😭😭😭. Both the hearts crying realizing the development of the night. How coming closer and then going far again..🙁😢😢😢😢😢💔💔💔💔💔💔. Just didn't realize it was the insecurity pushing them far from each other.

(Guys pls read with the song.  It feels real)...... Authors note.
The night of sleeplessness was in both hearts. Morning came and both Anirudh and bondita left for port without talking much except greetings.  Ben and Ariel emotionally hugged bondita and promised to come to India soon.Ben was teary eyed as he hugged his hidden love tightly and friendly pecked the side of her head. 😢😢😢😢😢. Anirudh clenched his fist unknowingly.  "We are getting late bondita.  We don't have all day. ",said an agitated Anirudh. 😡😡😡😡😡. Bondita felt hurt at his tone but followed anyway, giving a last hug and goodbye to her friends, promising to meet very soon but in India.
Bondita gave a final look to london where her and her sakha babus dream had come true. Smiling to herself , she quietly departed to her motherland India,  waiting for her nation to change.🙂🙂🙂🙂. .....

(Guys listen song for the feel)

Precap :Anidita reached India, Meeting family and parting ways . A start of a new story of love and passion on the same land where their story of rebellion and love started years ago . ❤❤❤❤Mature scenes in upcoming episodes. 😉😉😉😉😉❤❤❤❤

Guys pls mention in comments how are u liking the story or is it  just a bore...

Should I delete it or continue writing . Pls tell ur views really matter to me....lots of love
Prasha 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

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