chapter 1 "life have changed"

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"why did I start to play this game"as leviathan lift you up on his shoulder "hey we should get you back to my room and open the gate so you can go back to your's world"

You were peacefully sleeping when suddenly you woke up to your alarm clock ringing"* yawn * it's morning already?I guess I should hurry up and go to eat breakfast..."You walk downstairs and see your mom making breakfast and she notices your"ah morning sweetheart come sit down and have breakfast with you father"your father notices you"oh morning pumpkin your mom is making your F/F for breakfast"

"Ah good morning mother and good morning father and father isn't it pass your work hours?"your father chuckle and said "pumpkin I have a meeting yesterday and they decided to give me a week off to take a break for a while"You father pat you on the head and says "pumpkin me and your mother gonna go on a date tonight and we know your old enough to take care of yourself for the night" you almost choke on your F/F "it's okay father I can take care of myself for to night and if anything wrong I can go to ask our neighbors for help" your mother sigh and sit next to you "that's our strong pumpkin"Your mother kisses your forehead and hugs you tightly "our baby growing up so much" your father hugs you from the other side "yes they are" you struggling to breath because of how tight they hugged you "okay okay guys I can't breathe"Your parents let go of you "hahaha sorry pumpkin" your father said "ah yes sweetheart I remember you want one of the obey me character costumes so we bought one for you"You almost choked on your breakfast again and look at your mom with eyes full of joy "really mother?!? Who is it?!" Your parents laugh and and pat your head "I hear you wanna cosplay lucifer with your friends who cosplay the other characters"Your parents laugh and your mother pat your back "hey easy there sweetheart" you drink the water and hugs your mom "thanks you mother!" You hear the door bell rang and your father said "Ah here come the delivery" you jump off you sit and run to the door. you opened the door and see a box outside you pick up the box and run back inside after closing the door "Mother and father thanks you!!" You hug them and open the boxYou saw a package of RAD Unifrom and a package of lucifer outfit and wig "you ordered RAD unifrom as well? Thanks you!!" Your we're about to run upstairs until your mom pull your shirt and pull you back to the dining table "you need to eat your breakfast and take a shower than you can put them on or else we talking it and keep it for 2 week" you were a bit sad but you hurry up and eat your breakfastYou finished it and run upstairs and take a shower

20 minutes later◇

"Huh? Why are my phone glowing with different colors?" You pick up your phone "wait why is lucifer  standing right there when he supposed to stand near that?" While you were thinking out loud lucifer reach his hand and put it on the screen and you notice him knocking on your phone screen"Y/N and can you put  your finger on my hand?"you think that this is a new event that the developer decided to surprised everyone As you put your finger on his were suck in to the world of obey me...and you were unconscious when he finally pull you completely into the game all that you remembered was that you were get pulled in to the world of game where demons humans and angles go to a academy...where thing changed your life forever...

Hey author here I will try to update this book as much as I can and hope you enjoy your reading ^^💙💛🧡💚❤💖💜 hope you enjoy

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