chapters 2 "is this really happiness?..."

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Also note the mc is also self aware but they prefer to stay silent and not talk about it. And also grammar warnings I'm not that good at grammar. Now it's time to read Enjoy your reading everyone

You woke up in an unfamiliar room with whispers all around you "ugh what happened?....wait this isn't my room..."As you open your eyes you see a familiar face "hahaha you finally awake y/n"
"Diavolo...wait how did you-" you were shocked when you look at the corner of the room "surprised? We've been watching you trying to get you in to this world for a while but thanks to Levi you are here. Safe with us" he reach out his hand to you"And you will be safe from everything that can harm you" you slap his hand away from you "but I enjoyed my LIFE in the REAL world!!"

"Y/N L/N, you should listen to lord diavolo if you don't wanna have a hard time staying here" you turn to look at who it your surprise "l-lucifer?!" Lucifer walks closer to you "yes, now listen to what lord diavolo is saying." He glances at you "I...I don't want to...all I want is to go back to the real world!!" Diavolo and lucifer stand still until another unknown voice "what ya thing ya saying?" They walk out of the shadows "Y/N listen to him"

"Mammon...Satan..." Satan smiles "Hey!! Don't forget about the beautiful asmo" asmo frowns "zZzZz" you see all of the seven brothers standing behind diavolo's back "why are you guys doing this?TELL ME!!" Levi looks at you with eyes full of guilt "I'm sorry..."Beel carried his twin brother as his twin is a sleep "I'm hungry..." Mammon looks at Levi and whispers to him. Satan looked at them "what are you two doing?" Levi looks at Satan with eyes full of guilt "I need to go back to my room with Mammon. I'll be back soon Satan..." Satan looks at them confused "alright"

"I need to go back, I can't just leave my family and friends behind!!" Asmo walks toward you "maybe you would understand if you listened to us. Now Y/N look into my eyes" you look away from him "asmo I'm not falling for that tricks." Asmo hugs you tightly "aww,but I thought you adore me" you push him away "I used to" asmo frowns "aww~ but Y/N"

"Asmo that is enough you need to give them space" lucifer glances at asmo "fine~ but I will try to win them over" Satan looks at asmo and smiles "I'm afraid you can't take them all to yourself now don't you asmo, since we all made a deal to share them" lucifer looks at asmo and Satan dead in their eyes "I believe we need to give them some space and freedom. Lord diavolo,brabatos, Solomon and Simone. you guys should return back because there's a meeting about to happen at RAD with every club" diavolo looks disappointed at you and than looks back at lucifer "alright lucifer. Barbatos and I should get back to RAD" brabatos walks behind him "yes,my lord" Simone and Solomon both get up "we should get going as well" Solomon nobs. asmo smiles and waves goodbye to them "alright bye bye Solomon,Simone,lord diavolo and brabatos"

You look at them in shock "everyone was apart of this?!" Solomon looks at you "I wanna stay longer but I can't" They all walk out the door and left you and the brothers in the room lucifer looks pissed while staring at Asmo "I told you to have manners around him!" Asmo hugs lucifer's right arm "but I did have manners~"

Levi and mammon walk back into the rooms "um guys we should go get mc back from Purgatory hall and introduce them to Y/N.." lucifer trying to push asmo away from him "you guys should go and get them while I have a nice talk with Y/N" everyone look at him "alright,sure why not?" Levi pull mammon out of the room by the collar "aww but I wanna stay" Asmo let go of lucifer's right arm "" Asmo frowns "alright let's go guys" everyone leave the room and lucifer's eyes soften "Y/N please listen to me. Me,mammon,Levi and Simeon is trying to find a way to send you back safely...I'm only doing this to keep you safe" you look at him in shock "than why are you doing this? At least you should stop them!"

"I wish I can but diavolo is stronger than me. Not to mention with brabatos,Satan,asmo and Solomon by his side they are even more stronger than before..." He reach his hand out to you "I'm sorry...if I didn't join them there no one would look after you.." even tho he is very prideful he still manages to's must have hurt his pride a lot.."I need time to forgive you...but I will trust you..." lucifer hugs you tightly and you let him since he is trying to help you after all "you should get back to your character,Lucifer." You smile at him which made him smile back at you "alright"

"I will trust you....and please do not betray me..."

It's almost 1k words- but hey hope you enjoy your reading if you find any grammar errors please say it I haven't reread this chapter to find any errors yet so bye bye everyone see you in the next chapter

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