chapters 3 " safe?.."

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Hello there since I have nothing to do imma just write it- and imma start use pov for some chapter- btw mc and you guys are different people in this fanfic-

Enjoy your reading

"Lucifer are they gonna arriving soon?" You asked lucifer who is sitting next to you and enjoying his tea "They should be here soon..but let's just enjoy some peace and quiet while it last Y/N" he sips his tea "but how do I face the other me? The real mc of this world" he looks at you and shakes his head "even tho they are suppose to be and mc are different" you look at him confused "wha-"

"Are you saying you are a sheep?" Lucifer laughs "i- I'm not.." lucifer look at you and pats your head "don't worry I understand"

"GUYS WE'RE HOME" lucifer sighs "just great" he got up from his seat and go to your chair and help you get up "let's go before they straight up cause chaos and-" as he was about to finish his sentence mammon runs into the dining hall "human! There you are!" He hugs you "a-ah mammon what is it?" Mammon looks at you eyes full of joy "the great mammon will introduce ya to mc"

"Mammon that's enough you are annoying them" Levi look at you and smiles "I'm not annoyed at anyone so no need to be mean to anyone" you pat mammon's head "I'm fine with this" while you are patting mammon's you saw a sheep standing behind Levi looking at you in shock

"Mammon, can I go talk to mc please?" Mammon looks behind Levi "yo human come meet Y/N" you wave at mc nerves mc look at you shock (hehe S H O O K sheep mc)
"Hi-" before they even finish their sentence they were pick up by asmo "mc let's go to my room and try some beauty products and Y/N wanna try it with us?" Asmo was hugging mc tightly "asmo you are k-killing me-"

"Oh sorry mc" Levi looks at mammon and lucifer and the three of them nobs "sorry asmo, Y/N will be coming to my room" lucifer holds your hand

"Aww I wanna come as well!!" Satan look disgusted at asmo
"Asmo they aren't gonna do what you think they are doing" asmo look at satan "Satan how do you know?~"Satan look away from asmo "I don't have time for this I need to back to reading"

"Hump fine, mc let's go to my room!" Mc nobs and asmo pick them up and go to his room "wait where beel and belphie?" You asked "they might have got to their room" Mammon shrugs.

"Mammon we're going to your room and not my room for today" Mammon looks at lucifer with wide eyes "ya sure?" Lucifer nobs "let's go" as the three of you go to Mammon's room

Mammon's pov

This is weird....we usually have this secret meeting in lucifer's room how come he chooses my room this time? Either way it must be something that he need to say- WAIT IS HE TRYING TO EMBARRASS ME IN FRONT OF Y/N BY FINDING THE PAPERS?!? Mammon clam must be something else right? Oh jeez I hope it is something else.. ah- we're here in front of my room

"Lucifer why are ya picking my room again?-" lucifer pushs me away from the door and open it "Y/N you remembered what I told you earlier correct?" Huh lucifer told them what? They looked at me and Levi "are you sure you guys will keep me safe from the other?" Ohh so that's what he told them. Levi and I nod "thanks you!" They hugs Levi huh- I also stay in their side and i- they hugs me- HAH maybe they still think of me as their top favorite characters still?- meh I'll just hugs them back... but hopefully they forgive.. I can take all the insult in the world but I can't take any insult from them.. I don't want that.. "Y/N, remember to act like nothing like this happened" they look at lucifer and nobs "mhm,if that's the only way for me to get home safely than so be it" she hugged lucifer and of course he hugs her back..

End of mammon's pov

"Mammon and leviathan" Lucifer calls them  "I need you two to look after Y/N while I keep my eyes on diavolo make sure he isn't plotting anything" Mammon and Levi look at each other than look back  at their oldest and nob "we know"

"And also mammon" mammon looks at Levi "what?" Levi smirks "why aren't ya acting like a tusdere like your usual self? " mammon blush and hit Levi's back "OI!don't just say that about me and how about you,huh?!" Levi blush as well and looks away"Also don't forgot to make sure MC and Y/N get along since they both are human"

"Don't worry lucifer I will try to get along with them" you smile at him "oh and you need to pick who you gonna sleep with for a while. Since I'm busy checking your room at Purgatory hall,the demon lord castle and the house of lamination" you look at him in confusion "wait what?"

"It's diavolo and Solomon they both agree to have your room in the three places" Mammon face look irritated and Levi look a bit piss and try to say calmly "we tried everything just let you stay in one place...even Simeon and lucifer tried to stop them but nothing seen to wor-" suddenly someone knocked the door "Hey guys lord diavolo come to check on Y/N. To see if they are okay or they need anything" it was Satan. Mammon panics "OI! Wait for us for a minute" lucifer holds your hand "remember to act like nothing like this happened"You nob and mammon opens the door "guys hurry up he is waiting in the hall" Satan sighs and he waves his hand at you "Hey there kitty" you wave back at him "hey Satan"Levi look at you "Come on let's get moving we're not frozen in place after all" you nob

As the five of you go to the hall you saw diavolo standing there and show is usual smile that hide that have hidden meaning behind it you look at him feel betrayed after remembering what he did.

"Ah hello there my beloved I see that you are enjoying your stay here in devildom"

I kinda have to check some of my grammar (which is something I'm hella awful at) I hope you enjoy your read it have 1.110k word for this chapter bye bye see you in the next chapchapter 🖤

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