chapter 4 "the start of betray"

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Hey I know that I haven't updated anything but I'll try my best to update more aften

Lucifer stands in front of you "lord Diavolo,why are you here by yourself?where's brabatos? If im correct you and barbatos still need to have a meeting in 1 hour"

Diavolo smiles and walks toward you "I know. And why can't I see my beloved?they are soon to be royalty." Lucifer stay silent. As you were about to talk lucifer holds you tightly as a way to tell you to stay down

"Ah mc there you are" diavolo call out to mc as they walked out of the corner "hello, lord diavolo where is brabatos?"mc asked and looks at him in surprise "barbatos is waiting for me at the meeting" he smiles like his usual self full of joy behind his fake act "oh I see" mc looks at you and asked you " Y/N why don't you come to my room with asmo,levi and mammon? We are trying the new product asmo got us" lucifer let go of your hand as if telling you to go

"Lucifer I'm going with mc now" lucifer nob. As you walked to mc and went upstairs mc stop and go back than peak back at lucifer and diavolo so you whisper to ask what they are doing "Hey mc- what are you doing?" Mc shush you and continued to listen "I may haven't told you anything but I'm also aware beel and belphie is trying to help you" you looked at them in shock "but I thought lucifer,mammon and Levi is the only brothers that gonna help me" mc looked at you and as shock as you "wait they are also trying to help?" You nob

"But I thought lucifer is the most loyal to diavolo..but u guess he will do anything for love as well.." you feel the house shaking a little bit so you and mc peak back at diavolo and lucifer again "I am not gonna suck their parents here and threatened them so that Y/N can married you!!Y/N can choose their own poison and jail if you don't want them to go back!!" You hear lucifer yelling at diavolo like that for the first time "mc how are we-" mc put a recorder on the stairs case to record what they are saying and pull your arm "Y/N let's go last time diavolo and lucifer got into this argument they almost destroyed the hall"

Both of you and mc run towards their room. as you walk in to the room you saw asmo,mammon and Levi sitting on the floor with a face mask on their face

"Umm hey mammon,Levi and asmo" you smiled at them "darling! You decided to come join us huh?" Asmo smiles at you and kiss your forehead. You nod

Asmo look at his D.D.D "aw I gotta go back to my room since it's time for me to go to bed" asmo hugs you and kisses you "goodnight darling and winks at you "..." you were blushing bright red. Levi and mammon looked at asmo like they are about to kill him

Asmo lefts the room. Mc locked the door and you went to sit between Levi and mammon "um why aren't you guys talking?"

Mc laughed "they are being jelly" you looked at both of them than laughed "why didn't you guys say so?"

They both looked away. "If you don't have say anything than let's get to business." Both of them looked confused and looked at you "what business?" Mammon asked in confusion "what are you talking about?"

"Well....we need to call the other-" suddenly there was a loud knock on the door "Guys! Open the door we need to stop lord diavolo and lucifer!" Satan was panicking..."lucifer in trouble!" Mc quickly opened the door and saw Satan pick mc up and run toward the hall "Mammon and Levi come on! Lets go!" The three of you quickly ran after them

Once all of you are at the hall it was almost destroyed by lucifer and diavolo by just arguing..everyone go and hold them down. you ran towards lucifer and hugs him from behind "I said it again I will not do it-" lucifer look behind him "Y/N and all of you go back to your room!"

Beel and belphie come to the hall "what's going?*yawns*" beel looks at diavolo "why is lord diavolo here?" Beel walks down the stairs that was almost destroyed "oh I can't see my beloved?" Lucifer is even more pissed than off and was about to jump at diavolo "guys stop this"

"Beloved you wanted me to stop this? Why don't you come with me than?" Lucifer take your hand with his free hand "I wouldn't let you take them yet" you hold on to lucifer's hand diavolo got up "than I will wait" he walks out the door and slammed its behind him

You helped lucifer to get up "lucifer are you alright?-" lucifer kisses you "I know this isn't the right time but..thank you for staying with us" well this the second time you are blushing like crazy. "OI THAT'S NOT FAIR THE GREAT MAMMON SHOULD KISS THEM!"

"I hate to say it but I envy all you normies and I'm going back to mc's room first" Levi picks mc up and left to mc's room "Hey Levi put me down!"

Meanwhile diavolo

"My lord, you are here just in time" diavolo walked in looking tired "it is about Y/N again?" Diavolo nods "indeed they wouldn't come with me"

"My lord,why not wait for them?.."

Hey hey this the author and imma start giving clues oh how this fanfic is gonna end. And I hope you enjoy

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