chapter 5 "the plan?"

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Um I kinda forgot that this book existed lol and sorry imma try to write it like I used to again haha-

Diavolo smiles "that isn't a bad Ideas at all maybe waiting for them is a good idea" brabatos smiles "my lord it's almost time for the meeting" diavolo frowns "but it's gonna start in 10 minutes why can't I relax before starting the meeting?"

Back to you,mc and the brothers

"So lucifer,mammon,Levi,beel and belphie are helping me to stay safe until Levi finish rebuild the machine to send me back home?" Lucifer look at mc "MC how long have you been like this?" mc stay silence and finally decided to say it "since Y/N's seconds birthday"

"Since my second birthday?" MC nods. Mammon look at mc "so ya lied to the great mammon?"

MC hugs mammon "I'm sorry there are only 4 people that knew about me being aware and that is Simeon,luke,beel and belphie" everyone looked at mc in shock "luke is also aware?!" Everyone asked at the same time and mc looked at you "yeah...luke have breakdown and come to me when he found our he isn't a real angel that he is just a character in a game" you look at MC in concerns "how is luke?"

"Luke...lucifer can we go to the Purgatory hall?" Lucifer looks at you "dear, if you wanna see him than we are going to see him tomorrow" you smiled and kissed him mammon and Levi looked at you both and stay silence. Beel was eating his burger and belphie looks at lucifer with jealousy "okay enough you two!" You looked at him and smiles "we can cuddle later. is that alright with you?"

"Really?" You nob and Belphie hugs you "yup!"

Tomorrow afternoon at RAD

Your pov

*Sighs* why do I even have to come to school? Don't get me wrong some school are amazing but some aren't... in my case I just hate school in general. But even tho I still have a few more class...and than it's time for me to meet luke..or should I just say to talk to him for real without him trying to hide what he trying to say so I couldn't notice that he is aware. I wonder how will he react to seeing me like this.

Huh?..Is that luke? Should I go talk to him right now? Or after school at Purgatory hall?..but if I talk to him now Solomon will wonder what I'm doing and if I talk to him at Purgatory hall Solomon will still wondering why I random visit luke. Meh I'll just talk to luke right now since Solomon is busy. I'll just walk up to him.

I tap him on the shoulder "Hey,are you luke?" Luke turns around..oh damn I forgot how adorable he is!! "I am and-" luke looked at me in shock "i- Y/N?!" "Shh.." I put my hand on his mouth "luke,I don't wanna get even more weird glare" luke nobs "Y/N what are you doing here?" I-...i thought Simeon told him what's going on. I guess not then.
I guess i might have to go somewhere private to explain to him."luke let's get somewhere private" "hey,Luke" Huh? Is that Simeon? "Ah Y/N your here as well?"

End of pov

"Oh hey Simeon! And what are you doing here?" Simeon smiles "I'm here to talk to luke. And if I may ask why are you here?"

"I'm here for the same reason." The older angel reply "oh so you're here to talk to luke as well?"the older angel nobs "umm then can I talk to you both? At the same time since it's the same business"

"Is it about the problem yesterday?" You nob "Ah I see. Let's go luke" smieon at luke (#Simeonisafatherfiguretoluke) luke nob in agreement "let's go, to the art class since no one is there right now"

In the art room

"Luke I got here yesterday because of everyone. They suck me into my own phone like as if I where a enemy and they were jean" luke and Simone look at you confused "...jean?-"you really think they check your personal stuff and other game huh? That is Levi,lucifer and diavolo job so pretty much this two doesn't know that is "sucking you here-" as confusing and awkward it is they both try to unlock. "Anyway why would they suck you in here earlier then planed?Simeon you knew why right?right?...." smieon nobs since it was a good thing he was there to listen why "diavolo was getting I'm patient from how much after saw you simping over the brothers,me,Solomon and other characters from different game. Which is why sucked you in when you are about to cosplay as lucifer.he also kinda destroyed the code to send you back as well due to just need one press and you can go back and be free" you looklooked shock at how much information he is telling you "surely you know how to send them back right Simeon?" Simeon shook his head "sadly no this time" the bell suddenly rings "Ah...see you after class?-" the two angel nob "now If you excuse us we need to head to class. Come now luke" Simeon open the door "Bye bye Y/N!"luke walks out after simeon. You also ran out the room to go to your class

As you ran you bump into someone you don't wanna meet after knowing some information "Ah beloved you are here!!how is your first day in RAD?" Diavolo the someone you wanna avoid after yesterday...but you knew you should anwer him. "It's doing great so far!" As much you wanna pretend you are happy deep down you are upset and scared "glad to hear! And where are you going anyway?" You remembered you need to get yo your class "Oh shoot- I gotta go mammon gonna be worried! Goodbye diavolo!" Relief that you can go now since we'll class even tho you hate school you still gotta go.

"My lord you have a meeting you need to attend to" Ah...why is brabatos said that- huh diavolo behind you stalking you..."Ah yes I see. Let's go brabatos" "yes my lord" diavolo left to the meeting and brabatos followed diavolo but stop in dead track and put a finger on his mouth "you better now told any of the brothers about this" you shiver you had forgotten how much brabatos care for diavolo and you just got reminded. You nob and continued to walk to class.

I'm sorry guys I was busy with life lol bye bye see ya in the next chapter!!❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎(🧡💔)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2021 ⏰

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