Chapter One

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Nova POV

The rain poured down around us, Calder whimpering as I ran to find shelter. I picked up speed as he gave a scared meow, scrambling around. I growled lightly at him squeezing his scruff tightly in mouth before relaxing as he did.

Lightning flashed across the sky, lighting up the forest I was running through. My heart ached for the jungle we had once lived in. That was were we belonged, not running from the group of Jaguars that had killed Calder's father.

I slowed down when we got close to the edge of the forest. Slinking low and sending a low grunt at Calder to hush, I headed for the tree line. Thankful for my extremely good eyesight for the umpteenth time this past month, I surveyed the rocks. I spotted a cave but was wary to go across the open area to get to it.

But with Calder shivering from the cold rain I knew I had to get my cub to safety. With a comforting rumble of my chest I rolled my shoulders, shooting across to the rocks as fast as I could go. With a grunt I jumped up to the cave ledge and wiggled my way into the small opening.

Inside it was several degrees warmer and dry. I went to the corner and gently placed Calder onto the floor where he meowed and rubbed against my legs. His pretty golden eyes stared back to my identical ones before I nuzzled his head.

Once I had licked us both clean and we were somewhat dry, I nudged Calder into the corner and curled up around him. He meowed in disagreement but after a growl and a nudge that sent him on his butt, Calder snuggled into my damp fur. I licked at his head for a while as I listened to the rain outside. My eyes stayed glueed onto the door in case the jaguars had found us.

I couldn't let them find us. If they did, they would kill Calder and use me for breeding until they had the cubs they wanted. With those thoughts, I soon fell into a light sleep.

Bion POV

The rain had finally stopped. Everyone had become restless during the week of rain because none of us were able to shift. The only one who could was my younger brother's mate Adair who was a beautiful Peacock. But Adair was too sweet to shift when none of us could, especially when my brother Tomas couldn't.

I slipped on a pair of loose slacks, leaving my shirt inside as I walked out of the castle. My bare feet touched the wet grass and a quiet sigh escaped my lips before I inhaled the fresh air. Tomas and Adair came outside a few steps behind me, Tomas stripping quickly and running into the open field. Adair ran up and stood next to me as Tomas shifted into his massive green dragon.

He turned and Adair ran to him, giggling as he felt Tomas' breath on his body. It was quite a sight to see with Adair trying to climb on his mate who was a good twenty or so times bigger than he was at the moment. Tomas turned his large head and nudged Adair up his side so he could lounge on Tomas' back.

Adair said something to Tomas that I couldn't here but with the big grin on Adair's face and the thrumming coming from Tomas' chest, I could guess it was another one of the adorable things mates told each other.

I placed my slacks near Tomas' pile of clothes before shifting into my massive back dragon. I was a little bigger than Tomas and had sharp scales going down my spine, whereas he had soft leafy like scales that Adair could safely play around.

When I laid down on the grass and watched my brother and his mate together from my spot, I felt the ache in my chest again. I had been alive for thousands upon thousands of years but still had yet to find my mate. But at this point I gave up and knew my mate was dead or hadn't been born, and may never be born.

Other dragons came out, shifting and flying or swimming in the lake. I watched over my people happily, content with this if I was never to have a mate. My sister, Soyala, ran out of the castle with a grin on her face, her mate, Julius, yelling at her to wait up. But she stripped and shifted, causing a roar to rip out of her mates throat as he shifted, slamming his feet to the ground. She turned, her grey dragon nuzzling against her mates chest as he sat, fuming in his dark brown dragon. But when she started to purr, he softened and gently pushed her over so they could lay on the ground together.

The hatchlings were playing in the woods with their mothers watching them. Most of the older males were either sleeping or play wrestling with the teen hatchlings who thought they were tough but soon realized when an adult male dragon came charging at them, they weren't going to win.

A cool breeze blew through the field, a sweet but earthy scent making me freeze. My mind was trying to make sense of everything when several of the hatchlings let out little growls and the females let out thundering roars. All of the males rushed over, but I was still frozen in my spot until I heard a roar in the distance returned to the females who were now in front of the hatchlings.

I ran toward them, ending up at the front as a tiny cub tried to hide behind one of the tree stumps while letting out heart wrenching cries. I took a few steps forward, wincing as the cub whimpered, its cries growing in volume. As I bent down to nudge the cub, another roar sounded. I turned to look when a blur launched itself at me, claws sinking into my neck, jaws clamping on. I let out a roar, shaking the creature off.

The sweet and earthy scent hit me full force as I watched the Jaguar let out more roars while standing in front of its cub. The jaguar froze as it inhaled, looking up at me. When we made eye contact, I knew.


As I lowered my head to nuzzle the Jaguar, it growled and struck my face with its razor sharp claws, forcing me to draw back and without meaning to, let out a roar of pain. By the time I looked back down, the jaguar was running off into the forest with its cub's scruff in its mouth.

I shifted back without realizing it, tears falling down my face as my mate left me, even knowing that I was its mate. I felt a pair of hands touching me and looked up to see Adair wiping the tears and blood from my face and neck. Tomas had managed to find a blanket to cover me up with. The three of us were silent as Soyala and Julius hurried everyone inside. The two came and joined us, Soyala and Adair tending to me as Tomas and Julius searched the area.

Julius walked back with a ripped shirt. He opened his mouth to speak but I snatched it from his hands, inhaling my mates scent. I could smell the cubs similar scent mingling with my mates scent, reminding me that my mate had already mated and had a child. More tears feel from my eyes before I stood, wrapping the blanket around me.

I looked up at Tomas and Julius, a pleading look on my face as I held the shirt in their faces. "Please find my mate." I begged before letting out another sob.

Tomas rubbed my back and told me everyone would help find my mate while Julius sniffed at the shirt. He passed it to Tomas before kneeling down and patting my shoulder, a serious look on his face.

"What about the cub?" Julius asked.

I sniffled before shaking my head. "The cub is my mates child, therefore mine too."

They nodded before heading off to find other males to go on a search. Adair and Soyala helped me into the house which was probably a funny sight to see considering I was a broad shouldered, muscular male while two small and slim shifters struggled to carry me.

Once in my room, they managed to get me into a pair of underwear and an open button up shirt. I flopped down on the bed, letting them close the curtains and cover me up. Once they left, I let out more sobs.

My mate had basically rejected me. On top of that, my mate had bred with another jaguar and had a cub. Why did my mate not want me? What did I have to do to get my mate to love me?

I would do anything for my mate.

The Dragon's Keeper: Nova (BOYXBOY) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now