Chapter Four

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Bion POV

You never realized how much work mates are until you have one. Mine was currently perched on top of the chandelier with Calder resting in his arms. I had left for one minute to grab Calder a blanket and came back to this.

Tomas stood with his hands on his hips, glaring up at Nova while Adair rung his hands in worry. Julius and Soyala were by the windows watching my mate. Julius had his hands wrapped around my younger sisters waist to keep her from running over to Nova. Not that Nova would harm her... I hoped.

"Nova, come down here please." I asked and saw his head snap over to me.

He growled and turned his gaze back to Julius and Soyala. Ah, he is worried they'll attack Calder. I walked over and placed a hand on Soyala's head. "This is my younger sister Soyala and her mate Julius. They won't hurt our cub, I promise."

Nova was skeptical but after another five or so minutes he jumped down, landing on the table. He let Calder down and took off his clothes before shifting. I watched curiously with everyone else as he walked across the table, thankfully not stepping on the food, before turning to look at Calder. Our cub meowed and pawed at his father to help him down but Nova left him and walked off.

"Hold on Calder." I said as I walked toward him. Nova head butted me and let out a meow to Calder. i watched our little cub wiggle his butt before jumping down, rolling head over tail.

He let out a string of meows as if yelling at Nova who only grunted in response. Nova headed for the corner in the morning sun but I managed to beat him over and lay down the blanket for them. Nova glanced back at me before flopping onto his side and Calder latched onto his chest to drink.

"Let's eat."

Everyone but Nova and Calder sat at the table and served themselves. I leaned back in my chair with a glass of wine and watched Nova as he cleaned at Calder who had finished his breakfast. Calder gave a play bow and wiggled his butt before pouncing on Nova's tail.

Nova gave an amused look to our cub (as amused as a Jaguar could look) before head butting him. Calder gave a dramatic meow a he fell over but got right back up and pounced onto his fathers legs. Nova gave a grunt and rolled over on top of Calder. I had to laugh at the satisfied look on Nova's face as Calder cried for his father to get off him.

"Nova, would you like to eat?" I asked. Nova tilted his head to the side before walking over and shifting. I hurriedly pushed his clothes into his hands and tried to shield him from the others even though they were already looking away.

Calder bounded over, happy to be free but I quickly scooped him up before he could get himself in trouble. He let out a whine but it turned into a purr as I scratched his belly. Soyala and Adair let out squeals at that.

"So, Nova, why do you have milk?" Soyala asked with a smile. She was always so blunt but really nice.

Nova turned his gaze to her from the ham on his plate. "I gave birth to him."

As if it was nothing, Nova turned back to his food. My mate gave birth to Calder? That meant he could have my hatchlings! I shook my head to clear those thoughts. Nova and I's relationship was no where near that level.

"Will they go away?" Soyala asked.


Soyala's brows furrowed. "How do you know that? Is there more males like you?" She asked, excitement creeping into her voice at the prospect of more shifters like Nova.

He shook his head. "There are no others like me that I know of."

"Then how do you know?" Soyala pressed.

"Stop asking questions." Nova started to get mad the more she insisted on knowing how he knew.

She huffed but dropped her attitude when Julius flicked her ear. She tried to give him her innocent look but he raised and eyebrow before she huffed in defeat again. My eyes drifted back to Nova as he angrily ate his peach. Why was he so defensive? I really wanted to find out but didn't want to make Nova angrier than he already was.

"Would you like to garden with Soyala and I later, Nova?" Adair asked in his normal soft and sweet voice.

Nova snorted and gave him a half smile. "I don't garden."

Adair pursed his lips before grinning. "We could sew up the quilt I'm working on?"

Nova looked like he was about to refuse but when he saw the hopeful look on Adair's face he sighed. "Fine but I don't know how nor do I want to learn."

Adair grinned before returning to his breakfast as Tomas smiled softly at his mates happiness. His large hand lazily carded through Adair's hair. Nova finishd his food and gazed down at the empty plate.

"Ready Nova?" Adair asked as he stood, smoothing out his tunic.

Nova nodded and reached for Calder. "I can watch him." I told Nova but he still picked Calder up.

"I don't trust you with him when I can't supervise."

My heart felt like someone was squeezing it but Nova seemed oblivious to my pain as he listened to Adair's chatter as they left to Adair's sewing room.

"I hate him." Soyala seethed as she glared at the door they had just left from.

I placed a hand on her arm to calm her. "It's okay, he won't trust me for awhile and I'd rather have to earn his trust instead of having him place it in me just because we are mates."

"But he trusts Adair already." Soyala accused him.

I laughed. "I don't think he trusts Adair. Adair is a peacock and is no threat to him or Calder."

Julius sighed. "He's right sweetie."

Tomas grunted before glaring at me. "Nova won't hurt Adair will he?"

"Tomas, stop making Nova seem so horrible."

He only grunted in resonse beofre leaving to most likely check on them. Soyala argued with Julius over whether or not Nova was dangerous and Julius growled at my sister when he was fed up with her accusing Nova of the same things Tomas had.

Not only was my mate a handful but now I had my two siblings who hated him and their mates who seemed to like him. Nothing could ever be easy for me could it?

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