Chapter Six

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Nova POV

Bion led Calder and I back to his room, pulling out a ton of extra blankets and pillows. He made sure we were comfortable before hesitantly pressing a kiss to my temple. I only watched him in response before he walked out of the room, quietly closing the door.

Calder snuggled to my chest, nipping lightly since he was hungry. I tossed my clothes off to the side and shifted, letting Calder drink. As he suckled, I began to nod off.

(Italics is Nova dreaming)

The big jaguar circled around me, making me shake as I tried to hide in my mama's chest. She was growing colder and colder. The big jaguar snarled at me, mama's blood dripping from his mouth. I let out a whimper before running as he started to approach.

He snarled and ran after me, easily catching me. The big jaguar laid on top of me, holding my neck in his mouth, teeth sinking in slightly. I felt him move around before something pressed into me, making me whimper and move around before he growled, biting harder.

Once he finished whatever with my butt, he got off, but nudged me up, shoving my hurting body off to the left. He made me walk for some time as I fearfully looked around for escape. The big jaguar finally stopped, looking around before nudging me toward a cave. I walked in, wondering if this was when I would die. But when I turned around, I found he had shifted into his human form.

He was lean but very muscular. He moved around the cave before walking toward me with a chain that held a large cuff at the end. He grabbed my scruff as I began to back up and clamped the cuff around my neck before somehow attacking the chain to the wall.

"Shift." He ordered, and I curled in on myself, too scared to shift. My butt bumped against the wall, causing me to whimper.

His fist rammed into my head and I looked up at him to see him red faced in anger. "I said shift!"

I quickly shifted, covering my nakedness as much as I could. The man grinned down at me before shoving me onto my back, getting situated in between my legs. He pressed his private part into my butt, making me let out a cry of pain, gripping his wrists that were by my head.

"P-please stop." I whimpered out as he put my butt and back in so much pain.

He leaned down and captured my lips in a kiss, shoving his tongue inside before a warm liquid filled my butt when he grunted. He sighed by my ear and walked off, leaving me to curl up and cry for my mama.

But my cries for her were soon silenced when the man came back over, hitting me repeatedly on the back. "Do not make a sound!" He snarled, spit flying into my face.

I nodded, burying my face in my arms while laying on my side, trying to forget what had just happened.


A few months later, I understood what came of when he pressed his private parts into my butt. My stomach became rounder and rounder. The man, Henry, became so much nicer too. He was excited about his cubs.

He had eventually told me he had found me because he had smelled me go into heat a few days before he found me with mother. He never told me why he killed her and took me, but I assumed it was because he wanted cubs.

"In about a week, Nova, we'll have our litter of cubs with us." He grinned while nuzzling my big belly. I just nodded and smiled in response, carding my fingers through his hair like I knew he liked.

If he stayed happy, I was safe. I had learned that quickly and as much as I hated him and wanted to run away, he would never let me go now that I was having his cubs. Henry pressed his lips to my belly before pressing a kiss to my lips. I kissed him back, making sure he was still in control of the kiss though.

Henry shifted and left the cave, most likely in search of food. He had finally allowed me out of my chain so that I could walk around, within the cave of course, and climb into the pile of furs. He had never allowed me in the bed before until he smelled by scent change, telling him I was pregnant. I tugged one over my belly, waiting for Henry to return.

But while I was waiting, my belly started to feel funny. The more time that passed by, it became painful. Tears streamed down my face as I bit my lip to keep from crying out. I rubbed at my belly, scooting to the edge of the bed. I stood, waddling over to the entrance. Henry wasn't close by and the pain was becoming too much.

"Henry..." His name fell from my lips in a pain filled whisper. I needed him to make it stop!

A rustling from the large leafy plants brought my attention over to Henry as he dragged a monkey toward the cave. He glared at me when he noticed me slightly outside the cave. But I didn't care, I started to waddle toward him, still crying and holding my belly.

"Henry, make it stop." I pleaded in a breathless whisper as I stood in front of him, sobbing.

He lifted me up, taking me back into the cave where he laid me on the bed. "Shift." He ordered, and I did, whimpers leaving me. Henry rubbed my fur gently, hushing me.

"Just push, Nova." He said, and my jaguar seemed to know what he meant because soon I was in even more pain.

I don't know what was really going on or how long it happened, but when I woke, three helpless, newborn cubs were suckling away at my nipples that had grown on my jaguar when I had become pregnant.

Henry kneeled next to the bed, gazing lovingly at the cubs while running his hand through my fur. I felt so weak and so tired but I stayed awake to watch my cubs let out little cries when whichever nipple they were suckling at slipped from their mouths. Henry would pale slightly when he heard their distressed cries before reattaching them and gently rubbing their little heads.

I feel back asleep at some point, the occasional tug of my nipple rousing me from my sleep.

(A/N: That was NOT Calder's father. He will be talked about later. This is the first guy that took Nova.)

Bion POV

When I walked in, Calder was curled up against Nova's jaguar. They looked adorable together and it reminded me how lucky I was to have them. Being as quiet as possible, I laid down next to them, rubbing Calder's head and grinning when he nipped sleepily at my hand.

I looked over him to a sleeping Nova, reminding me why I came here in the first place. "Nova, dinner's ready." I gently shook his shoulder.

His eyes snapped open, fear in them. His big paw pulled Calder close, licking at him quickly. Calder let out a soft meow but otherwise didn't complain.

"Nova?" I questioned, wanting to know what had him so scared.

He glanced at me, shifting back and tugging on his clothes. He shocked me when he dived into me, snuggling against my chest while letting out a few whimpers. Calder whined, making me tug him over Nova and place him on my chest next to his father.

"Can we skip dinner?" He asked while holding me tight.

I pressed a kiss to his hair, rubbing between his shoulder blades gently. "That's fine with me."

Eventually, Nova's breathing evened back out. Calder had long since fallen asleep next to him. I was over the moon that Nova had seeked comfort from me, his mate, but the problem was, he needed comforting in the first place. What had Nova terrified?

I tightened my grip on them, pulling them closer. I would protect them from whatever it was, no matter the cost.

A/N: I felt horrible writing about Nova's past, and that was only the beginning which made it even worse. Especially with what happens after the cubs were born...

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