ew they're in middle school now tf

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Hope y'all like this chapter lol (and sorry for not updating in forever >< I haven't had much inspiration to write recently ;;)

It was the next day :0 aka fridayyyyyy. Connor got ready for school. Which is just slippin a *black* hoodie on, and putting his black sketchbook into his black backpack. And combing his brown hair. (wow, surprising) Connor walked out of his room and headed down the hall, trying hard to remain unseen.

He went down the stairs (totally didn't slide down the railing to piss off Larry) and dashed to the kitchen to grab an apple that was in a basket on the island. He bit into the apple, the juice filling his mouth. Yum. He sat down at the table across from Zoe, who had her phone her out. Probably texting someone or scrolling through tik tok.

"You're acting weird" Zoe said, breaking the silence.

"Hmm?" Connor had apple in his mouth.

"I mean you look happier, well not happier but like, less sad than usual. And you didn't say anything about me rotting my brain from looking at my phone so much"

"H u h. I guess you're right. Let me change that." Connor coughed, " Zoe, you shouldn't be on your phone so much, that shit rots your brain"

Zoe rolled her eyes and looked back down at her phone.


Cynthia had dropped Connor and Zoe off at school.

"Alright, bye you two. And Connor, stay out of trouble. ok byeeeeeeeee" she said while driving off

Connor and Zoe exchanged looks before walking in other directions. Connor doesn't mean to be so rude to Zoe, he cares about her a lot, but he's been rude to her for so long that it'd be weird to be nice to her yaknow?

But,Zoe didn't matter right now. What matters right now is befriending Evan.

Connor speedwalked into the school to go look for him.

Connor found not Evan in the hallway, but Jared (:0) fricken' Kleinman. Should he approach the wild Jared? Chances of getting called Hot Topic are 100%. Whatever, this was for Evan.

Jared must've noticed Connor first because he soon said. "Hey Hot Topic. How's it hanging?"


"Nice hoodie. Very emu"

"Wtf. emu?"

"Like emo, but i'm making fun of you lol"

".....ok then.....anyways, you're Evans friend right?"

"Family friend,but yea."

"So,do you know where Evan is?"

"Oh yea,he's setting the school on fire."

"Dude wat"

"I'm just joking lolol, he's at home sick."

'Oh." Connor felt his stomach drop. He hoped he hid the disappointment well.

"Yea. 'oH' but like dude why do you even care about where Evan is?

"None of your business Kleinman"

And with that, Connor walked away. Like a fucking boss. Though he didn't feel like a boss. Maybe this was for the better. Evan was probably sick today for a reason. I mean hey, he would probably fuck up his relationship with Evan just like he did with Zoe. Because he's Canoe Murphy, that's just what he does.

Fuck, he was too sober for all these depressive thoughts.



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