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-----------------Kuala Lumpur international airport, Malaysia.

------------------------- Same day, 11:50am.

" Have a safe trip okay? and be very careful. Make sure you call me up when you arrive LA" Khalifa said with sleepy eyes as I stared at him in our video chat. It was around 6:00am there in Dubai. " I will Khalifa, you should get some more sleep okay?. We'll chat later"

" Okay then, good bye love" He called. " So what are you going to call him?, lover? Or oh Sugarplum" Raihannah added as she stuck her head into our video chat. " Move away girl" I rolled my eyes and pushed her away from us gently. " Bye honey" I ended the call almost instantly.

" You really went with honey instead of sugarplum?"

" oh come on Raihannah" She was trying to tease us.

Fun girl.

We left Ammie in good shape. We helped her look for alcohol support groups before we left her place and we also made sure she knew we were going to be there for her at anytime because she was part of our family and family always stick with each other. No matter how hard the situation was. I was happy she made things easy for us and finally communicated her true feelings and worries to us.

The world would honestly be a better place if people just expressed themselves for who they really were in real life instead of pretending just to look perfect on social media.

Khalifa and I talked and he was going to come over to LA to help me with everything I needed as soon as he was done with a very important project and I was definitely going to wait patiently.

I was going to have great company there in LA, with the Olyster family. The family that helped build me to be where I am now. Yes they hurt me and all that but the bottom line is they owned up and tried to fix their mistakes. The trust I had in them was broken but I could feel it slowly growing back again. I was going to be cautious but I just hoped they had changed.

For the better.

" You guys" I heard Firdaus's voice call from a distance and I rose my head up to see if I could find her in the small crowd. Raihannah drove me to the airport and Firdaus and Ummi were supposed to meet me here before I left. We were sitting at the departure lounge waiting for my flight to be announced. I was more than eager honestly. I knew I wasn't going to get Najmah right away but at least I was going to be closer to her. " Hey" Raihannah and I called uniformly as Ummi and Firdaus walked to where we sat.

" Oh my Faryah, please come back to us" Firdaus said, swiftly lifting me up from where I sat and giving me a very tight yet warm embrace. " I'm going to come back In Sha'a Allah. Can you guys stop acting like I'm going on a death mission" I managed to utter as I slid out of Firdaus's hug. " Well my dear you're battling drug lords here, you can say it's a death mission but don't worry Allah's with you" weren't they supposed to be cheering me on and endlessly praying for me instead of telling me the negative reality?.

" He indeed is" I really didn't want to let go of Ummi's hug and I never wanted to stop looking at her reassuring smile. I loved her so much. " You need to be very strong my dear. You're going back to where you fell in love and where you lost your trust so please my dear, control your emotions. For my grand daughters sake. For Naj Naj's sake okay?"

" Yes Ummi" Boy she was right. I had to control my emotions. " Even though you're so tiny like a pin, you have a mighty inner being" Firdaus rhymed.

How cute.

" You'll be fine In Sha'a Allah" She added and hugged me again. " I want to advice you tooooo" Raihannah chirped in and I was starting to think she was high on something.

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