A truck load of thanks

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Oh my sweet bananas.
Faryah's story has actually, finally come to an end.
Like wow!.
I was finally able to finish one of my story ideas!!

Thank you all sooo sooo much for your never ending support and comments on my book.
Like seriously..
I really appreciate every single one of them. 

And to my biggest supporter and my personal favorite reader @Aali_yass, I only have three words for you but they hold a really big message.


And to my friends and constant viewers, to those that have always supported me through out Faryah's story, I love you all so soo much and thank you all🤗🤗.
For everything.
@asmeeymm thank you soo much for the encouraging comments. I really really appreciate everything.
@meenahlubs Khalid and Faryah got the happy ending you wanted and nobody died 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
I really hope that made you happy.

There were times where I honestly thought I wasn't going to be able to finish this story but look at it now🤗. I ended it with all your support.

May Allah continue to protect us all and guide us to the straight path and guys don't forget..

May Allah (SWT) guide us and protect us from it.


And try to make good use of this lock down period. Discover your true talents and just y'know....chilllll 😇😇  .

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