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——————— Nigeria, Kaduna

———————————Kaduna Airport(8 Months Later)

" Well the surrounding's different and why's everyone looking at us Khalifa" I pouted as I looked at Najmah in front of me. " Well you hardly see many foreigners in Nigeria, so they stare when they get an opportunity, and besides most of the foreigners that come here are usually ugly, so you and Najmah are a different case" He said and it made me laugh a little.

We were in Nigeria, Kaduna State to be precise. I came along with my daughter, Khalifa, Farouk and my parents, along side Ummah, Naim and Firdaus. One big happy family.

Najmah was already 8 Months old, she grew up to look more like Khalid but still had some of my features. She always reminded me of Khalid and the perfect and happy family we would've made. But Khalifa tried all he could to play the role of Najmah's father and I was really happy  about it.

Sophia had given birth to a very cute baby girl she named Kimberly. She was just two months old and from the pictures and videos she sends me. Her baby was a spitting image of her.

I asked about Khalid, Papa Brandon and Mama Zainab and they were all okay but sadly Khalid wasn't living a normal life. She didn't want to tell me the truth but I figured it out myself. Khalid was supposed to be married to Pamela.

They were supposed to have kids together.

I managed to find out through my PA that she was supposed to have twins but sadly she had a miscarriage and she lost her babies.

So she and Khalid didn't get married again.

They parted ways and I found out Pamela went back to her family.

A lot of things happened to their family when I left them.

The only good thing that came out of this drama was that their business kept on growing, that was all what Khalid focused on.

There were also some news and paparazzi gists saying we separated because of our religious differences. There were really different stories about our separation and all didn't even make a bit sense.

It was either I cheated or I stole

Or something crazy.

Well I had to forget about all that and focus on my vacation in Nigeria. It was rainy season here so I was bound to enjoy it. My Parents had already rented a house we were supposed to stay in for a month cause their wedding was by Friday and this was Monday. Khalifa was going to show us some places here.

Their wedding walima or according to them in Hausa is called "Daurin Aura" tying of the knot. Was going to be on Friday after Juma'ah prayers. Farouk's friends were going to be arriving by Tuesday which was tomorrow.

Raihanna was already here with her family, planning all her wedding details.

Thursday was supposed to be henna day, all the ladies close to the bride were going to her place for henna.

It was going to be nice I guess.

I didn't have to worry about work.

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