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-----------------------Los Angeles, California

--------------------------- Present day( Olyster textiles)

" So why did Brandon call this urgent meeting?" GrandPa Julius asked as we walked together to the Board room. I had no idea why he was calling a meeting, he only said it was urgent and all board members needed to attend, he was already in LA, on his way to the office. " I have no idea GrandPa, I guess it's something good" I said as we walked into the board room and were greeted. I took my seat beside GrandPa and we had to wait for a little why before Brandon arrived. " Good day sir" the others greeted as they got up as Brandon entered the room. " Good day everyone please take your seats, Son, GrandPa" Brandon said as he hugged both I and GrandPa. He considered me his son, even though I couldn't bring myself to see him as father figure for me. " Everyone I called this meeting to announce that we will be launching an exquisite fabric to the world very soon, In three months, The fabric we're going to be launching is going to be in different varieties, different colours but still under one unique Fabric" Brandon announced and everyone began to talk about it. " We need lots of event ideas, marketing ideas, advertising ideas and you know all about that, I'm going to be having a meeting with all the different heads of each department to make us all prepared, just so you know, my wife’s birthday is in three months and I want the launch to be dedicated to her on her birthday, so it’s a birthday launch okay" He loved mother so much, but I still couldn't consider him as my father. I was fatherless.

" Mr Olyster, when are we going to see the fabric?, as we are part of the heads too" Mr Gabriel asked. I never liked him one bit. " Mr Gabriel, for safety reasons, we are keeping the fabric a secret till the launch, we wouldn't want any cases of sabotage or theft of our idea, I am the only one that has an idea of what the fabric looks like" Brandon announced again. He was a great businessman.  " That is the best thing to do now" Grandpa Julius commented and the others agreed. " Good I'll meet with the heads of the department and get back to you, good day everyone " Brandon said and everyone got up to leave. " Dad, I'll be assigning Khalid to handle the launch, I'll handle Zainab's birthday, but we need to decide on a venue fit for the two events, Khalid we'll go check some out as soon as possible" He trusted me a lot. I loved how he cared a lot about me. He was nice and all but No, he wasn't my father. " Sure" I answered.

" Son the plan for this fabric isn't in this country right, if possible not even in this continent" GrandPa Julius asked. " Yes it's not, It's in a warehouse in Asia" all the way there. " That's my son" GrandPa laughed and got up from his seat. " I am very proud of both you" He had to be. We both smiled at him and pulled him into a warm hug. " Leaving Olyster textiles in your hands will be the best thing to do when I retire" Brandon said as he smiled at me. I was grateful for everything. " After all what you've done for us, helping with your Grandfathers promise to Mr Mustapha, and taking care of the company and lots more, you deserve something" Faryah always reminded of me how I lied to Pamela. The time we spent together this morning made my heart soften towards her. She packed a sweet lunch for me too. She was adorable and nice, she had this charming personality even though she was mute. I couldn't get her out of my mind through out my ride from home to work. " I'll get going now Brandon, GrandPa, I need to talk to Ethan" I said as I gave them both manly hugs. " I'll see you later at home Khalid, we need to talk" GrandPa said and I nodded. I walked out of the board room and took the elevator down to Ethan’s office. He was the head of Marketing  department.

" Ethan!" I called as I walked into his office. He was only the trust worthy friend since High School. Lets say he was the only friend I had. Socializing with too much people usually pissed me off. We were both the same age and he was with Sophia, yeah he was with my sister. It was shocking at first but I trusted him with my sister. " Man!" He said, Jumping up to his feet, smiling cause of my presence. " Bro" I called and gave him a manly hug. " How are you, Pamela, and Faryah?" He asked as I threw myself on his couch. " Well things have been happening, I am engaged to Pamela now" I watched as his eyes widened with shock. " What the hell man, you are married!" he exclaimed. I was married but not for long. " I'm going to divorce her when her grandfather kicks the bucket, easy, which might be soon, Pamela doesn't need to know about her" He looked like he was seeing a ghost. " Man that's bad, you've got to tell Ella about Faryah, see if she can take it, and how did you and her become a thing again, its been a month right?" He asked again. I had to tell him. " So she came back to you and asked you to marry her, ladies are weird" he said as he brushed his dark hair to the side to give me a clearer view of his brown eyes. " She loves me and I do too, I'm not going to give her up cause of mute Faryah" I slapped myself inside for calling her that. " Don't call her that and you find her adorable and you smiled weirdly when you talked about what she did this morning" Ethan had a thing for cracking jokes. " I didn't smile weirdly, I smiled at the thought of her actions you know, and about Faryah, I need you to tutor her, she's in her last year of business administration and she'll be taking online classes, so we need your help to help her graduate, no buts, Sophia seems to like her" He had to do it, adding Sophia to the discussion was definitely going to make him agree. " Of course, I want to get to know her too" He answered smiling. " Good boy, Sophia will love you more for doing that for her new friend, and don't mention any of this to Ella okay, not a single word, you get me?"

" I get you sir,  I am hungry, lets go get something to eat" he said as he jumped up from the couch. " Faryah packed me sandwiches and Coffee, lets go to my office" I said as I stood up. " wow wife material" Ethan answered and smirked at me. " Shut the fuck up man" I hissed and walked out of his office.

 " They're tasty, everything fits perfectly" I commented as I enjoyed my sandwich and coffee. " It tastes like a normal sandwich" I had to roll my eyes at that comment. He couldn't appreciate the goodness of my mouth watering sandwich. It suited my taste buds. I wondered how nice Faryahs voice could have been. She needed something to express her thoughts.


A Diary!

" I need a diary for Faryah" I thought out loud. " Huh?" Ethan asked. " yes, getting Faryah something she can use to express her thoughts and ideas, it would be a very good idea" I said as I felt proud of myself for thinking about that brilliant idea. It made me happy. " Uhmm sure" He was giving me a questioning look. " Asshole don't look at me like that, the idea popped into my head by chance" I said and rolled my eyes at him. " you know I didn't ask you that right?" I avoided his stare after he said that. " Khalid Khalid you are full of surprises. I need to go back to my office, you can continue thinking about Faryah whilst I'm gone, Adios" He said and walked out of my office. I sighed and looked at the cute photo of Ella on my table. The spark I felt before, anytime I looked at her photo was weakening. " and I forgot to add, you like Faryah" Ethan said as he popped his head into my office again. He was annoying. I couldn't like her, she wasn't my type.

" Sir, The new clients from Turkey have arrived, I've lead them to the meeting room" my secretary said as she made her way to my desk. " Prepare all the papers and files" I said getting up from my seat. Brandon would've loved to join us but we had other clients we he had to attend to. I walked inside the office and my smile changed as I examined the client and his companions. I looked at the man that stood across me on the table.

The man I never wanted to see again.

The man I swore to kill if I ever saw him again.

The man that made my childhood hell.

The man that dared to lay a finger on my mother.

" I am not holding this meeting" I announced as I turned my back to leave the board room. Why was he here?

Was he going to try and hurt me and my mother again?. I watched as everyone look at me with wide eyes. I was going to get one from Brandon when he realised that I didn't hear a client out. " Excuse me Mr Olyster, we are here for serious business and not for jokes" one of his companions said and I looked at him. He was short and slim. " Well I am sorry we don't accept people without clean records" I said and sent them a death glare. " Khalid" his voice could turn my mood from bad to worse. " Mr Myles, please leave our building if you want peace" I snapped and walked out the room. I was going to break down. All the memories of what he did to us came back rushing to me. How could he even face me after all the hardship he made I and mother go through?. I screamed as I bore my fists into the wall. I couldn't feel the pain. Why was my father back?

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