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-------------Los Angeles, California.

------------------ Lily's hospital( During the attack)


" Hey!" I screamed as I found a female nurse and another male nurse in Faryah's room as they were about to flee. The police were behind me and the two nurses immediately took to their heels. I didn't mind them because I knew the police were going to catch up with them, I knew Faryah was in danger. I rushed into her room and found the nurses and body guards all with bullets in their respective bodies. Oh my goodness. I found Faryahs door wide open and found her room disorganised. Her respirator was out of her and so was catheter. They had basically dismantled her infusion pump. Only Allah could save Faryah now. For all I knew, she was 90% dead.

Some nurses and doctors were already on their way. I tried fixing her respirator back into her mouth and that went well. " Zainab, we need you to leave, you can't be in here, nurses please fix everything in here" Doctor Mike said as he rushed into the room with the nurses beside him. " No, I want to help" I said as tears rolled down my cheeks. " You can't, not in this condition, just go please" he said as he checked Faryah's eyes and mouth. " No, I'll stay in here" I argued. " Nurse please go get Naloxone quickly" He ordered and a nurse instantly ran out. " We can lose her in the next two minutes, you shouldn't be here, Zainab leave, Nurse escort her out" Mike said as a nurse came beside me. " Sir, here's it" The nurse that rushed out seconds ago announced as she handed a syringe and a small bottle to him.

I was escorted out and they closed the door. I didn't move an inch when they closed the door. I wanted to get a close look. He was injecting her now as they fixed her infusion pump and got her a new catheter. They began the CPR. She needed to make it. They were running out of time. I watched her heartbeat and saw that she was coming back. She was alive, they made it. My eyes teared up more, this time, it was tears of joy. Mike finally gave me a thumbs up and a smile as the nurses exited the room.

" If we arrived three seconds later, we would've lost her" He began as he came out. Stretchers were already brought to take the body guards, nurses and Anna. " They administered another full overdose of Fentanyl to the patient, they really put her life in great danger" He added as he took off his nose mask. " She's okay now right?" Khalid wouldn't have been himself if we had lost her. " She is, still in a coma. After we revived her, I saw some finger movements from her" She was going to wake up soon. " She's showing signs of waking up very soon, we really hope for the best for her" He added with a smile. " We really do" I said as I looked towards her. " You seem calm even after what happened downstairs" He said and I turned to look at him. " Yeah, about that, What exactly happened downstairs?" I only heard screams and gunshots from my office and that was how I knew Faryah was in danger. So I ran to her.

" Your son was shot" Oh no. " What do you mean my son was shot, which one of them, where is he?" I panicked as my eyes widened in shock and fear from what he said. " Khalid was shot, he's downstairs in the ER" My goodness. I quickly took off and ran towards the elevator. I got out of the Elevator and ran towards the rooms. " Khalid, doctor, where's my son" I cried as I asked the only doctor I could find in the area. " Mrs Olyster, he was rushed to the operating room, he was shot in the stomach, but I'm sure the wound wasn't deep, he'll be fine" No, that wasn't a guarantee, as long as he was still in the operating room, his life was still at risk. I ran towards the OR again. It wasn't far from here, I didn't need to take the elevator. Immediately I got there, I found the doctor coming out from the room. It was Natasha Aguilar. Pamela's friend.

" Hey, Hey, Natasha, how's he?" I asked as she walked out. " Mrs Olyster, you're related to the patient?" she asked as she took her nose mask off. " Yeah, he's my son" I said as she formed an " Ohhh" with her lips. " Well ma'am, he's fine now, the bullet didn't hit any of his vital organs so he's safe, he's on his way to the recovery room now" She said and I sighed as I took a seat. " Thank you Natasha" I answered as she nodded and walked away from me. All this in one day, I almost lost Faryah and my son. I guess it just wasn't their time to leave us.

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