Bucky didn't like this one bit. Actually, he didn't just like it. He hated it. He hated that, in the public eye, you were Sam Wilson's beloved. Sam Wilson was charming, suave, outgoing, funny, fit...everything that Bucky believed he wasn't. Buck had a chubbier, heftier build, he was often quiet, a little shy, and introvert. However, he supposes he must've done something right since he gained your affections, right?
"Y/N! Y/N! Look here! How long have you and Sam been dating?!" Bucky did his best to keep the paparazzi from you. The flashing lights and the shouting. He doesn't know how do it. All these fuckers shoving the camera into his face, he'd probably deck one.
He continues to guide you and Sam into the restaurant where the staff keep them out. You follow the host to the very back corner to a booth where you and Sam could have your privacy.
Bucky sits at a nearby table with Torres, Sam's bodyguard. The kid's still new to all this, but, so far, he's done his best to protect Sam.
While you and Sam have dinner, Bucky does his best to remain aware of his surroundings. But it's hard to do so when the love of your life is acting all lovey dovey with someone else.
He's scanning the restaurant and its patrons when your laughter reaches his ears. He turns around and sees you throwing your head back in laughter. Sam chuckles, watching you lose it. Bucky doesn't like the look in his eyes.
"Hey," Torres nudges Bucky, "You good man?"
He answers through gritted teeth, "I'm fine," and continues to scan the place.
An hour and a half later, Bucky is following you and Sam out of the restaurant. He's glaring at how your hand fits in Sam's perfectly. He twinge of sadness hits him.
You and Sam eventually part ways and you slide into your car, Bucky following you.
As soon as the door shuts behind him, you sigh, immediately curling into Bucky's side. You may not know it, but you reek of Sam's cologne and it makes Bucky want to punch something.
Noticing how tense he was, you pulled back, "Hey, are you okay?"
"'m fine," he murmurs, looking out the window, avoiding your eyes.
"Not now," he mumbles, "When we get to your place."
"Okay," you breath out. You scoot away from him, leaning against the opposite door and looking out that window. You wracked your brain trying to figure out what was wrong.
When the two of you arrived to your place, Bucky immediately shed his jacket and poured himself a glass of scotch. You sat there on your couch watching him, waiting for an explanation.
After he finished, Bucky asked, "I hated seeing you with Sam."
"What? Bucky, you know this is all PR."
"I know, Muffin, I do. But I couldn't help but compare myself to him. He's-He's everything I'm not. You could go out in public with him and no one would bat an eye. You can't even be seen with me without being questioned about what our relationship may be. People judge you because of me, even if, to them, I'm just your bodyguard. It's my insecurities talking, I know, but I can't help the way that I feel because-Muffin, I love you so much. The thought that you could end up falling for Sam and leave me-"
"Bucky, babe, that's not gonna happen."
"No, buts," you get up and walk over to Bucky to stand before him, "I love you too, Bucky. So much. I'm sorry that we can't do the things that normal couples do. I'm sorry I can't shout from the rooftops that you're mine and I'm yours. But that doesn't mean I don't love you. Besides...Sam's already with someone too."
"He is?"
"Yeah," you answer with a chuckle, "his childhood best friend, Riley. But Sam's been keeping it quiet for a while because he doesn't want people to attack Riley for just being with him. Honestly, I've been asking Sam for advise a lot about that. How he does it and everything."
"He says it's hard, but he'd do anything to protect Riley, so it's worth it." You reach out and cup his face, your thumbs stroking the stubble along his chin and cheeks, "You have nothing to worry about, Bucky. To the public, I'm Sam Wilson's, but in private, in my mind, heart, and soul, I'm yours."
Bucky started to feel guilty, his eyes watering and he started to sniffle, "I'm sorry, Muffin."
"I forgive you, Bucky. You can't help the way you feel. I love you, never forget that, my precious, handsome man," you lean in and gently press your lips to his. He kisses you back just as gently, but also lovingly.

Chubby!Bucky Oneshots
FanfictionA collection of chubby!bucky AU fics. This started as an AU that originated when behind the scenes pictures of Seb's portrayal as Lee Bodecker and sorta spiralled out of control. But I'm not mad. I love chubby!bucky. (***) indicates smut