Summary: For some reason, your high school's resident bad boy, Bucky Barnes, seemed to have made it your personal mission to be a thorn in your side.
Your eyes glance up every so often to make sure your notes are correct as you scribble into your notebook. Mr. Coulson continues to talk about history and you're adamant to jot down every single thing he says.
You feel something hit the back of your head, but you ignore it. A minute goes by and you feel it again, along with a "pssst!"
You shake your head and try to keep your focus. Something something 1894-
"Hey," you jolt when you hear a whisper and a tap on your shoulder.
You look over your shoulder and see James "Bucky" Barnes now sitting the seat behind you that was previously occupied by Brunnihilde, "What, James?" you hiss.
James, or Bucky as he likes to be called, smirked at his first name. Not many got away with calling him that, but you did.
"Wanna hang out after school?"
You turn back around to continue taking notes, "Don't you have detention...again?"
He scoffs, "Yeah, but I'll skip it for you."
"Pass," you mumble.
You hear him sigh and lean back, "Suit yourself." Minutes pass and you turn back around and Brunnhilde is back in her seat.
When you walk out of class, Bucky is waiting for you by the door. You ignore him as you walk down the hall to your next class. He follows closely behind, you hear the creaking of his leather jacket that he usually wears.
"Leave me alone, James."
Bucky rushes around to stand in front of you, stopping you in your path, "Y/N, why do you hate me so much?"
"Because you're annoying, you're a troublemaker, you never know when to shut up you, you-"
"Jeez. Alright. Damn."
"I have to go to class, James," you walk around him and continue your journey.
He catches up to you again, "I'll walk you!"
"No, thanks."
You continue to head to class, but Bucky doesn't follow this time. He stops in the hall sighing and pushing his hands into his distressed jeans. He looks down dejectedly and heads in the other direction to his class.
The bell already rang by the time he steps into class. Ms. Hill writes him off and he, to no one's surprise, get detention yet again for having three tardies in a row.
He slumps into his seat behind his best friend, Steve, and sighs. As Steve is writing notes, he murmurs only low enough for Bucky to hear, "No luck?"
"Nope," Bucky murmurs back. He looks down and looks how his black t-shirt clings to his round belly. He pats it and sighs, "Do you think they'd like me if maybe I wasn't so chubby?"
"Y/N may not like you, but they're not shallow, Buck."
"I just don't get it. Why don't they like me?"
"Probably because you annoy them so much," Steve answers with a smirk, which earns him a flick to the ear.
"Steve, is there something you'd like to share with the class?"
He shakes his head, "No, ma'am."

Chubby!Bucky Oneshots
FanficA collection of chubby!bucky AU fics. This started as an AU that originated when behind the scenes pictures of Seb's portrayal as Lee Bodecker and sorta spiralled out of control. But I'm not mad. I love chubby!bucky. (***) indicates smut