I Gotta Ask You A Question (Single Parent AU)

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As requested by anonymous: Could you do more single!dad chubby bucky x single!mom reader like maybe him asking her son permission to marry him or bike a holiday


You and Bucky have been dating for five years now. Your relationship came unexpectedly. He was a teacher at your son's school.

It was Jamie's first day and he was nervous. The five year old had done daycare and preschool before but this was actual school where he'd be learning a bunch of new things and meeting new people.

You were quietly talking to Jamie, comforting him and letting him know that everything was going to be okay.

The five year old whimpered, "Can-Can you come with me?"

You shook your, "I'm sorry, Jam Jam. I can't. School is for kids and I'm an adult. Can you imagine me sitting in those small chairs?! I'll look silly!" Jamie giggled at the thought and sighed, "I'm scared, mommy."

"I know, baby. But I know you're brave."

"Your mom's right," you heard a deep voice say and both of you look up to see a man standing before you. He had black slacks and a blue polo tucked in, hugging against his round belly. He cleared his throat, "Sorry, I'm Mr. Barnes. I couldn't help but overhear that someone's a little nervous on their first day?" he looked at Jamie and Jamie nodded.

Mr. Barnes squat down to be eye level with your son, "Hey, buddy. What's your name?"


"I'm guessing short for James?" when Jamie nodded, Mr. Barnes smiled, "How cool! My name is James too!" he held out his hand and Jamie apprehensively took it, "Jamie. Nice to meet you. Now, I think your mom is right when she said that you're brave. I mean, look at your dinosaur shoes!" he pointed to the new shoes you got Jamie for today, "I think anyone who wears dinosaur shoes is automatically brave. So I have no doubt that you'll go through your first day with a breeze! Do you think you're brave enough to get through the first day?"

Jamie giggles and exclaims, "Yeah!"

"Yeah!" Mr. Barnes shouts with him and stands up, holding out his hand for a high five and Jamie jumps, slapping his hand against Mr. Barnes'.

You smile down at your excited son and then look at Mr. Barnes, "Thank you for that."

"Not a problem..." You give him your name and he repeats it, "I've seen my fair share of nervous kids on the first day. So I think I got it down by now. Anyway," he looks at his watch, "Class will be starting soon. I should get going."

"Thank you, Mister Barnes, for comforting Jamie."

"Not a problem!" he smiles widely at you and then waves to Jamie, "See you around, Jamie."

"Bye Mister Barnes!"______________

Due to your hectic work schedule, there would be days where you're late to pick up Jamie from school. And more often than not Mr. Barnes, or as he requested you, specifically, call him, Bucky, would be keeping Jamie company until you arrived.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2021 ⏰

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