Waiting It Out (College AU)

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As requested by anonymous: hi! I was wondering if I could request something where you've been friends with Bucky for years and there's been mutual pining forever but now that he's chubby he's more reluctant to tell her about his feelings. love u btw 💛💙❤️


You're not even sure you remember life before Bucky. When you met Bucky in sophomore year of high school, you just knew that that friendship was made to last. He was funny, smart, kind, and was always there for you. You were there for him as well. When his dad passed during senior year, it was hard for Bucky. He was so emotionally devastated, he was so close to failing his last year of high school. But thanks to you, he was able to walk across the stage and accept that diploma from the principal, while shooting you a wink and smile.

You were proud to call Bucky Barnes your best friend. You would do anything for him. Even help him get girls...despite how much it hurt you to do so.

You didn't exactly know how it changed. But one day, as you were sitting in the cafeteria listening to Bucky talk about the presentation that he absolutely killed in AP Biology, you just knew that you loved him in a more romantic way than platonic. There was just something about his eyes and his smile and his humor that got you hooked. Just like how all the girls and guys were hooked on him. But you never stood a chance. You were just his best friend and that was all you would ever be.


Junior Year of College

You drag yourself out of your bedroom and into the kitchen to see Bucky plating some sausage and eggs, "What's this?" you sat on the stool next to the counter.

"You got a big test today. Figured you'd need a good breakfast to get your brain waves flowing, ya know?"

You gave your best friend a soft smile as he slid a plate towards you, "You're the best, you know that?" he gave a shrug and watched you dig into a meal, a fond smile on his face that was only reserved for you and you alone.

He then let out a sigh as he went to cook breakfast for himself and the rest of his roommates, Wanda and Sam. For years, Bucky's feelings for you have remained strong. He doesn't know how it happened. He just woke up one morning during high school and got a look at you and he was bit by the lovebug. And it never went away.

As you two grew older, you grew closer and Bucky fell even more head over heels for you. You were so outspoken about the things you were passionate about. You were so determined, resilient, and hardworking. He was in awe of how beautiful, inside and out, you grew up to be. He also cursed that you would never see him the way he saw you especially after he gained the Freshman Fifteen and it didn't seem to go away. He looked down at his pudgy stomach, hidden by the oversized tee he was wearing.

At one point, he was so ready to tell you how he felt, but then freshman year and all the stress and food happened and, well, now it seems like he'll never be able to tell you. Why would you wanna go for a guy like him now? He wishes work and school weren't keeping him so busy. That way, he'd be able to get to a gym and lose all this weight. But he can't and now it holds a huge weight on his back.

"How do you think you'll do on midterms?" you asked after swallowing some eggs.

Bucky shrugged and glanced over his shoulder, "I think I studied good enough to at least pass. Passing is what I'm focusing on. I don't care about getting A's anymore."

"C's get degrees!" you exclaim jokingly and he chuckles, which makes you smile wider, "I think you'll kill it."

He nods, "Thanks, Y/N. You'll do great too. You always do."

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