As requested by anonymous: Chubby bucky as an older Hollywood celebrity who falls in love with the new up and coming young actress he's costarring in a movie with ? 🥺
You and THE James "Bucky" Barnes sat at your very first press junket for the new rom-com you two were starring in. This was your big breakout role, according to your agent. If this movie does well, then you'd be on your way to becoming a household name!
Your legs were bouncing. Your first ever interview and you were afraid you might mess up somehow. You didn't want to say the wrong thing or look stupid.
Bucky, who's become accustomed to your little mannerisms over the last year of working on this film with you, reached over and rested a hand on your leg.
You looked over to him and he smiled, "It'll be fine. You're gonna be great."
You shyly smiled back at the older star, feeling your cheeks heat up, "I know, but at the same time, I feel like I'm gonna say or do something stupid."
"We've all been there, sunshine. If you do embarrass yourself, I'll just do something even more embarrassing so you don't feel alone." he nudged you with his shoulder and you giggled, "Thanks, Buck."
Hearing your giggle made Bucky blush. He mentally scolded himself for getting all blushy and nervous around you, but he couldn't help it. You drew him in like a moth to a flame. You were so warm and bright, like the sun, hence the nickname he'd given you.
Over the course of the year of filming, Bucky's gotten to know you, become your friend. Being almost ten years older than you and a significant amount of films and shows under his belt, he helped guide you through your first big project. He promised himself that, even though you two were to play love interests on screen, he'd only remain friends with you. But you made it so easy to fall for you. The date scenes for the film felt so real, Bucky would sometimes forget that it was all fake. And once the director yelled cut, he was a little surprised and somewhat ashamed that the feelings he felt during filming continued to stay.
He hoped you might've felt the same way. You had to right? The way you looked at him was so much different to how you looked at everyone else. You loved spending time with him in between takes, napping with him in his trailer. It could all mean more, right?
"Y/N, Bucky, hi! Thanks for coming!" E! News Reporter, Maria Menounos, came into the room, shaking your hand and Bucky's.
You smiled politely, shaking her hand, "Hi! Maria, it's nice to meet you!"
"Nice to see you again, Maria," Bucky said with a nod.
Maria sat down in her respective chair and sighed, "So, let's get started. Y/N, is it okay if I ask you some questions first?"
You gulped and Bucky gave your hand a reassuring squeeze. You glanced his way and when he nodded, you looked back at Maria, "Sure. Let's do this."
Maria proceeded to ask you some basic questions about your background, how you felt about this movie being a big break, and then she asked how you felt working with Bucky.
You chuckled, "I'm a big fan of Bucky's. When my agent told me I got the role and Bucky would be my co-lead, I freaked out. I was excited and nervous, it felt so unreal. It still feels so unreal! Like," you turned to Bucky and pointed, "You're Bucky freaking Barnes!"
Bucky laughed and wrapped an arm around you, kissing your head, "Sunshine, you're too cute. You flatterin' this old man."
You snort, "Bucky, you're not old."
"I'm ten years older than you, sweetheart."
Maria laughed with the two of you and then turned to Bucky, "So, Bucky, now I ask: how did you feel knowing you'd be working with someone fairly new to this industry."
He shrugged, "I didn't have any expectations, honestly. I just knew that whoever they'd pick, they saw best suited for the role. Honestly, I'm glad it was Miss Sunshine here. We've gotten real close this last year." he turns to you, his arm still around you and looking at you fondly.
Maria hummed, "So, I have to ask, onscreen, you two have great chemistry, is that translate to real life as well?"
Bucky nervously chuckled and stroked the stubble on his rounding cheeks, "Well, um, honestly, yeah, I think so. I, um, I gotta admit, I got a bit of a crush on her."
You look at him, completely shocked, "Wait, what?"
Bucky shrugged, removing his arm around you and nervously rubbing the back of his neck, "Yeah, sunshine. I mean, it's hard not to fall for you when you're so sweet, caring, funny, beautiful."
You look at Maria, who is equally shocked, and she says, "I'm speechless."
And you snort, "How do you think I feel, Maria?!"
"While we were filming, my friends were making fun of me 'cause they saw how smitten I was with her. I just-I dunno," he looks back at you, "she makes it so easy to fall for her."
You felt your heart soaring at Bucky's confession, "I've fallen for you too, Bucky."
"You have?"
"How could I not? You're handsome, kind, hilarious-"
"You're really strokin' my ego here, sunshine," Bucky says with a laugh.
"It's true!"
Maria let out a laugh of disbelief and looked at the camera, "Well, um, you've heard it here folks! Looks like love is brewing between our leads here!" and then she looks back at you two, "I wish you guys all the best!"
You and Bucky shook her hand and got up from your chairs after the producer announced that they're clear.
Bucky looked at you with regret, "I'm sorry."
You tilted your head to the side in confusion, "What for?"
"I shouldn't have unloaded all of that in the interview."
"Would you have said anything at all if she didn't ask?"
"I...I don't know."
"Well, I'm glad to know that we both know each other's feelings. Throughout filming, I was always wishing that the words and kisses we shared were real."
"Me too," Bucky murmured, he leaned in, resting his head against yours, "When we have some time, can I take you on a date?"
"Absolutely," you gave him a kiss on the nose that left him beaming.

Chubby!Bucky Oneshots
FanficA collection of chubby!bucky AU fics. This started as an AU that originated when behind the scenes pictures of Seb's portrayal as Lee Bodecker and sorta spiralled out of control. But I'm not mad. I love chubby!bucky. (***) indicates smut