The Plot

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Chapter 13 


The sun burns my eyes as it peeks through the crack in the currents over the floor to ceiling windows of my room. I rub my eyes and sit up, just for my head to feel like it will explode. God, a fucking hangover. No wonder I missed my alarm to workout this morning. I look around and see the black sheets are rumpled and pushed everywhere because I couldn't stop dreaming. I never fucking dream, but the whisky last night made me see burning gold eyes in my sleep.

I drag myself out of bed and to the bathroom to wash up. I made fun of the girls last night about having a hangover, well that came back to bite me in the ass.

I just pulled a clean black t-shirt on after brushing my teeth when the intercom goes off.

"My office, five minutes." It cuts short after my father speaks a whole four words. Good morning to you too.

I make my way down the front stairs to head for my fathers office across the house when the front door opens. Kai comes walking in, the biggest walk of shame if I've ever seen one. I just give him a look, trying to hold in my laugh.

"Shut the fuck up." He says, closing the door and heading for the stairs towards me.

"Took you long enough." I clap him on the shoulder as he passes me. At least someone is getting some around here.

When I make it to the large burgundy door of my fathers office I knock twice, waiting for an answer.

"Come in." He rasps from inside.

I walk in, close the door behind me, and take a seat in one of the leather chairs in front of his desk. His face has a no bullshit look to it, so I know this isn't a friendly father son bonding over a morning tea meeting.

"What's up?" I start as a greeting.

"Patrick Hades was murdered last night." He says, with a blank stare conveying no emotion.

"By who?" I ask, sitting up a little straighter trying to suppress my shock so I can sound professional.

"Hasfa Hoffman." There is a bite to his tone when he says the name of the notorious assassin.

"Okay, that's unfortunate. What does this have to do with me at eight in the morning?"

"I am giving you a new assignment, on top of your work with the Shadows. Find Hasfa Hoffman and end her."

"What the fuck? You want me to kill someone who has no identity and is impossible to get into contact with?" I look at him like he has two heads. He can't be serious. 

"Are you saying you're not good enough?" He shoots back.

"Fuck that. Why do you want her gone?" I cross my arms leaning back in the chair.

"Patrick Hades worked for me. He was my inside spy with the mafia. Hasfa just inserted herself into my business. Now, she needs to learn that actions have consequences." His blue eyes are burning with rage. I think the better question is, who hired her?

"So, how am I supposed to find someone who's practically a shadow in the dark?" I questioned.

"We will be hosting another charity event one month after the ball, an auction. I sent out virtual invitations already to every gang and mafia on the east coast, and at the bottom I added Hasfa Hoffman will be our lovely honorary guest. So, whoever knows how to get in contact with her will. This is how you finish her." He says with victory in his eyes.

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