The Enemy pt.1

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Chapter 33 


"Anyways, that date ended in two bitches cursing us out and a big bill for food we didn't get to eat." Kai finishes, redirecting the story. I shake my head thinking back on that night. Brielle was so jealous, I hope I don't see her while I'm here. I purposefully have not gone to her family restaurant to avoid that awkward interaction.

I watch the fucker with his arm around Vienna lean into her to whisper something in her ear. I can see her try not to cringe. She has kept her hands to herself and made sure his arm hasn't slipped off the couch, but this whole thing still makes me want to punch his face in. He stands up and takes her hand.

"Let's go." Vienna winks at him, she turns to us as they weave through the couches. "See you guys later." I don't look at her as she leaves. I hate this. I know the plan, yet I still don't want my girlfriend leaving with another man. I have had a total of two girlfriends in my life, Vienna being one of them. I don't do relationships, yet I want one with her. And I don't want her with him.

I glare as he passes. The look on his face looks triumphant and I want to punch him. I just grip my drink harder and take a long sip. I glance at Tony and he looks apologetic for this great fucking idea. I get up to get another shot, I want to forget where Vienna is tonight.

Thirty minutes later I'm drunk. And I know I'm drunk because I just turned to Geo and told him exactly that.

"Bro, relax. You know she's not going to do anything with him." Geo assures me once again.

"It's not Vienna I'm worried about. I don't trust him." I drop my head to the back of the chair in a big huff.

"Okay, fair. I wouldn't like this either. But trust her bro, everything will be fine." He pats me on the shoulder. "Want another shot?" Fuck no, I don't need another shot.

"Oh my god!" A screeching voice calls from somewhere. I didn't realize I closed my eyes. I look up and see fucking Brielle run towards our group. I laugh. Like as if this couldn't get any worse. "Guys! You assholes, I had no idea you were back." She comes over to us.

"Yeah, that was the point." I mumble into my glass.

"Hey Brielle." Tony says, the only one nice enough to do so. She walks over to me and ignores everyone else.

"Asher, baby, why didn't you text me?" She crosses her arms. Vienna looks so hot whenever she does that.

"Because I am not your baby." I roll my eyes. She sits on the edge of my chair. Move.

"Are you going to introduce me to your new friends?" She smiles and looks over at the Shadows. I look at them and they have death written in their stare as she continues to sit next to me. Vona looks about ready to chop my dick off right now. I quickly sit up and move over to the other side of this chair, as far as I can.

"These are some of our oldest friends, Vona, Lavender, Anna, and Lillian. Vienna is missing right now." I pointedly emphasized Vienna's name.

"What a cute group, so nice to meet you guys. I'm an old friend of Ashy from back when they all lived in Rome." She is so perky it makes my head spin.

"Ashy?" Lavender almost spit her drink out. Geo is trying to hold in his laugh while Kai barks one out.

"Don't fucking call me that." I rub my fingers over my eyes.

"Awe, come on. I used to call you that when we were younger." She fake pouts.

"Yes. We aren't ten anymore, and I have moved on Brielle. I meant it when I said we were over. I am with someone else."

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