The Talk

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this story has 10k more reads than it did on tuesday and I just want to say THANK YOU SM. and thank you to everyone who messaged me i appreciate every single one. AND I LOVE READING ALL YOUR COMMENTS <3 

Chapter 26


The next morning I sat in my bed really trying to figure out what happened last night. I don't even remember half the things I said to Asher, all I know is I will definitely be doing that again. I don't want to think about what that means for me to want that again with him. Asher is starting to take up my every thought, and I'm not even mad about it. But shouldn't I be? Shouldn't I hate him for what his father did to my family?

I wander to the kitchen completely distracted by my thoughts of Asher. I didn't even see the back of a random girl I don't recognize sitting on my counter. I stop and blink a couple times to realize it's Analia and that's Vona standing between her legs.

"Ananlia?" I say walking up to the island where they are. She whips her head towards me and I watch the surprise and smile bloom across her face.

"Vienna! Vienna Moon oh my gosh!" She jumps off the counter and hugs me tightly. I wrap my arms around her laughing and meeting Vona's eyes behind her. Is Vona blushing?

"Long time no see. I wasn't expecting to see you in my kitchen this morning." I say pulling away from her. She's always been pretty, but now she really is gorgeous. Black, short, wavy hair, a perfect splatter of freckles, and dark kind eyes. 

"I, uh, invited her over last night. Everyone was asleep already so you guys didn't see her come in." Vona says walking over and putting a hand on Analia's waist.

"It's so great to see you again! How have you been?" Analia beams at me, seeming to lean into Vona's touch.

"I have been good, what are you up to nowadays? Vona told me you are a part of the Blood Drops now." I lean against the counter, actually interested in what she's been up to.

"Oh, you've been talking about me?" Analia turns to Vona and pokes her side.

"No." Vona glares at me and I just laugh.

"Oh my god! Analia? Is that you?" Lavender exclaims from the doorway.

"Lavender!" Analia runs over to hug Lavender.

"Holy shit I haven't seen you since training camp. Look at you!" Lavender steps back looking her up and down.

"I know it's been a while. Where are the others?" Analia asks.

"They should be waking up shortly, we have a lot of shopping to do today. We are going to Rome!" Lavender tells her.

"That's so exciting!" Analia responds.

"Okay, can we eat? I'm starving." Vona says heading to the fridge to pull out some eggs.

"Yes. Wait, why are you here?" Lavender turns to Analia.

"I, uh, got invited. Vona had me over last night." Analia blushes to the floor. Lavender looks at me with so much excitement.

"Well, in that case, let's get you something to eat. I bet hanging out with Vona all night was tiring." I say winking at Analia.

"Bitch!" Vona throws a dish towel at me.

The next hour was filled with more excited reunions when the other girls came into the kitchen. We made a big breakfast and caught up on everything Analia missed in the past ten years. It was great to see Vona so at peace. I was happy that she felt comfortable enough to hold Analia in front of us and not be closed off.

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