The First Day

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yes im posting early today i wont be able to at 12 :) enjoy!

Chapter 27


Nine hours on a plane and I managed to sleep for a grand total of two. The other seven hours consisted of Asher looking over my shoulder while I was reading smut, complaining about how long the flight is, cleaning up on my Italian with Asher (for longer than I needed because he sounds so fucking hot speaking Italian), and playing random card games with everyone. When there was about an hour left, we all changed into more Italian appropriate attire.

Eventually, we landed in the most beautiful airport I've ever seen. I couldn't contain my excitement to be in Italy as we boarded off the plane and the blanket of humidity covered my skin. I stood at the top of the stairs taking it in. There was a slight breeze that rustled the bottom of my sundress, and the feeling of the hot sun on my skin made me want to stand here forever. November weather is so different here than it is in New Jersey.

"I'm glad you are having your main character moment, but can we make it down the stairs so everyone can enjoy it?" Tony says from behind me. I just smile at him before starting down the stairs. I go over to where the flight attendants are unloading our bags and I thank them for their help during the flight. I turn around to see Lavender having the same awestruck face as me, it has been years since we've been able to travel. She looks at me and screams.

"We are in fucking Rome!" She runs over and hugs me. I hug her back with just as much excitement.

"I'm so excited, I've never been anywhere in Italy!" Analia says just as happily.

"You're with the right group, since you know, we lived here for ten years." Geo responds.

"Yes, come on, you guys need to show us all the nice spots." I say as I take my suitcase and start walking towards the building where we can get a van.

"I'm starving, so how about we start there?" Lillian suggests.

"I think Enzo wanted to have lunch with us, I'll let him know we are here." Tony says, taking out his phone.

Forty-five minutes later we are pulling up in front of the most beautiful estate I've ever seen.

The front of the house is everything I would want in a home. There's a pool that sets up as a front courtyard, two guest houses on either side, and the main house. The main villa is gorgeous. Vintage style, beautiful landscaping, and the view. The location of this estate is incredible. I don't think I can use the word beautiful enough to describe where I am.

We start walking down the path along the pool and that's when I see the men. I was so distracted by the land that I didn't even register all the Italian men around us. Laying in chairs by the pool in the shade, further out in the back I can see shirtless men working out, and then there's Enzo walking out of the main house with an entourage behind him. He's wearing an airy white collared shirt, half open, and beige colored slacks. He looks in his element, so different from when we were at the ball.

"Benvenuto!" He calls from across the courtyard. I lift up my hand and wave. Once he is closer I walk up to give him a hug, but instead he takes my hand and leans down to kiss it.

"​​Enzo, come stai?(Enzo, how are you?) " I greet him.

"Sono meraviglioso ora che sei qui.(I am wonderful now that you are here.)" He winks at me before turning to Asher next to me. Who is now staring Enzo down.

"Lorenzo," Asher holds out his hand, "Grazie per averci invitato a casa tua.(Thank you for inviting us to your home.)" Enzo takes his hand for a nice handshake.

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