The Morning After

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you guys want to hear something funny. Last night was my grad party and i was fuckedd uppp and randomly at like 1 am i go 'HOLY SHIT I DIDNT PUBLISH THE CHAPTER' my friends were like girl wtf are you talking about. i literally finished it friday and was like i need to make sure i publish saturday like my readers wanted, three shots at 4pm later i forgot LMAO 

anyways <3

Chapter 31🔥🔥🔥


It must have been a dream. Last night definitely felt like one. I was so mad. So mad at Vienna for teasing me then blowing me off at the club, mad at myself for letting her seep so far under my skin, mad at the world for making her the daughter of my mother's murder. Then she spars with me during training and I see her own anger and despair in her eyes. We are much more alike than she lets on.

When I open my eyes and see her face tucked into my arm, her curly mass of hair sprawled on the pillow behind her, her naked body tangled with mine, I know last night wasn't a dream. After we finished last night, I got a wet cloth and cleaned us both up. She didn't protest, she didn't even take her eyes off of me as I worked. When I was done, I laid down under the sheets and she, without a word, pressed herself against my body and fell asleep within minutes.

I did not fall asleep that fast. My mind was reeling. After everything that was said, all that was revealed, this beautiful woman still fell asleep in my arms. I watch the rise and fall of her chest, I study the softness of her stomach and the curve of her thighs. Utterly perfect, and she felt safe enough to sleep in my arms. I look back to her face and see a little drool on my arm and I try not to laugh, I don't want to wake her up. Even in her most vulnerable state she's perfect.

I am so happy the guys will never be able to read my thoughts. If they knew what a big fucking pussy I have turned into I don't think I could show my face again.

I realize I can't feel my fingers, Vienna has been sleeping on my arm all night. I'm not an asshole, so I'll stay here like this for a week if that's how long Vienna sleeps for. But then she takes a deep breath, I watch the registration of where she is flash by when she opens her golden eyes and they meet mine.

She doesn't say anything at first. It's like she's memorizing every inch of my face, probably thinking about what happened last night just like how I was. A smile grows on my face as she keeps staring.

"Take a picture, it will last longer." I tease and she lets out a husky laugh. Holy shit. Vienna's morning after voice. Just the sound of her voice has me fantasizing about the way she begged and moaned for me last night.

"Shut up." She pushes her hand into my face to push me away, but I tighten my hold around her. She looks back at me and I see no regret, which is a big relief. She rolls back into me, putting her hand on my stomach which I try my best not to instantly flex, and takes a deep breath. She's breathing in my scent with no shame. "So... last night was fun." She smiles into my chest. I laugh quietly.

"Well, you know, when in Rome..." I sweep my hand out towards the windows for emphasis. That also makes her laugh. I wish I was Tony so I could know how to make her laugh forever.

"I never want to leave." She mumbles.

"I can agree on that front."

Vienna rolls out of my embrace and I can finally move my arm. I try to hide the fact that I can't move it, so I nonchalantly use my other hand to move my arm to my side. I start flexing my fingers, trying to get the blood flowing again. She stretches her arms and rubs her face, and then I see the concern.

"Ash, we should probably talk about some things that were said last night." She says quietly. When she looks over at me again I realize what I told her last night hit home harder than I thought it would. I guess being lied to your whole life can do that to someone. I roll over on top of her and put my hands on either of her face, trapping her in.

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