The very beginning

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I dont know anything, I cant remember anything. I just woke up, suddenly. Everything seems blank just a white void. I looked everywhere I possibly could. Time here seemed to stop. I walked and walked. I never got tired.

Then there was a black dot in the distance. It seemed to grow, overtaking everything.

I only felt fear, so, I turned on my heal and ran as fast as I could. I tried to escape, but the darkness was to fast. Everything was dark. I could hardly tell my up and down.

Then it started fading away.

I saw a new world being created. It started with just the dirt beneath my feet, then the sky turned blue and water formations started to carve into the planet taking over vast parts. I seemed to be floating above it all.

When did I leave the ground?

Parts of the ground rose at rapid speeds. Making giant formations. Then there was green. Everywhere. It was absolutely magnificent. Then I heard sounds. I think with this new green, there are creatures.

I returned back to the ground and took a deep breath. It felt amazing. The sounds, the smell, the air. It was a heaven on earth. Earth. That's a good name for this planet.

I stepped forward, continuing into the greenery in front of me. I walked and walked until I came across these giant creatures. They were so graceful.

(Time skip: 1500000 years)

The giant creatures I had seen so long ago are gone, but new creatures that resembled them came. They were nicer than the giants I had seen, but with them came nasty creatures I've dubbed as humans. With their appearance came wars and destruction. They killed everything that got in their way. They hurt the creatures of the green for fun.

As I was walking, I heard a whimper. What I found was confusing. It was a creature that looked like other creatures. It was white with a long tail, beady eyes, and a small body.
It looked up at me, fear very evident in its eyes, atleast to me. When you've been around a long time and seen so many things, it ruins the soul.

"Hello young one, are you alright?" I tried to be as gentle as possible. I reached down to grab it and it spoke scooting away from me.

"P-please dont-t touch m-me.." I've never heard another creature speak the human language.

I froze in my tracks, staring at it wondering if another powerful being had been sent to me. Even when powerful, the humans make you wish you were never created.

I finally realized I probably had been starin to long and came back to my senses. I gave it the softest smile I could and reached once again picking it up.

"Its quite alright young one. The people of this planet have gotten to you before me. We shall go clean and fix you, rid you of the people." I could feel it shaking in my arms staring at me. When it met my eyes it seemed to calm. The shaking stopped and it only stared at me as I cradled it in my arms.

"W-why are you car-ring for me?"

"The world has treated you horribly simply because you're different. Before the humans arrived the world was beautiful and graceful. Now its slowly dying to one pitiful creature. I will heal you like I've done with others. You can choose to stick around if you like." He simply stared at me as I began my walk towards one of the bases I had made. Along the way he stopped looking at me, instead at our surroundings.

(Time skip: 2 days)

The creature I healed has been resting for these last two days. I haven't been able to move on with my walking, but that's alright. It's happened with plenty of the creatures I've saved.

I honestly wasn't expecting him to be up as early as he is. I had been wondering around the green close to my base when I heard a Yelp. I ran as fast as I could towards it to find that the young creature had finally woken. He looked up at me scared before realizing I wasn't one of those humans who had hurt him. I smiled and sighed. I began to tidy up my base before leaving and began to pack things I may need for injured creatures. The young one followed me around, watching in astonishment. I guess he's never seen something like this?

"Where are you going?" I looked back at him and gave him a simple answer.

"I'm going to continue walking."

"Walking where?"

"Anywhere I want. The earth is a wonderful place, it doesnt constrict you to one area, instead leaves you to wonder until you get upside down on where you are. Then it helps guide you back on the right track."

"Can I come?"

"If you truly want to."

I walked and walked as I usually did, having to carry the young creature at times. As we were walking he asked questions about the world and what I've seen. He had gotten confused at one point and asked for my age. I was gentle with my answer. He didnt seem to surprised, almost like he was expecting it.

(Time skip: 1 million years)

It was strange. I had expected this creature I have named 'Nezu' to die years ago, and yet he still wanders with me. The more he stayed with me the more i started to learn he had some screws loose because of the humans. I have taught Nezu most of the information that i know. He seems to absorb knowledge like the water 'sponges', except he didnt have a limit. We have seen many of the creatures evolve, their looks changing drastically over the years. The humans keep some at pets, I think they call it 'domestication'. Nezu and I tend to blend into the humans to keep track of what they learned and if it's useful or not. We dont share anything they dont need to know about.

That's right, I've made another one without being done with the first. Help- anygays, I had this idea randomly while watching sweet tooth on Netflix and decided I couldn't let it escape so here we are.

(1027 words in the story part)

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